[OPLINLIST] Encyclopedia Britannica workshops

Rebecca Felkner Rfelkner@SLOMA.state.oh.us
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:47:54 -0400

Encyclopedia Britannica Workshops

Encyclopedia Britannica has added resources to their extensive online
offerings.    Free training on the new and already existing Britannica
resources is available on ten different days in ten locations throughout
Ohio.   The hands-on workshops are three hours long and will be held twice
at each location, from 9:00am to noon and 1:00pm to 4:00pm.    Training
materials will be provided.  

These workshops will include training on new Britannica resources such as
choosing the age-appropriate display for your area, research projects,
student activities, assignments, lesson plans, the Annals of American
History, and more.   Also covered in the workshop will be already existing
Britannica resources including multimedia and video clips, the Britannica
Internet Guide, current magazine articles, and Spanish-language resources as
will the "quick click" dictionary, world atlas, interactive timelines, and
subject and index browse features.

Training is sponsored jointly by OPLIN, the State Library of Ohio, and
Encyclopedia Britannica.     Beth Leistensnider of Britannica will conduct
the training.   Training sessions start on October 19 and run through
November 18.    To see the schedule of workshops and to register go to
www.slocem.lib.oh.us and click on the link to "SLO workshops."

If you have questions about the workshops, contact Rebecca Felkner at the
State Library of Ohio, rfelkner@sloma.state.oh.us or 614-644-6912.