[OPLINLIST] Save-the-Date for CO-ASIS&T Dewey Program

Patricia Furney PFURNEY@columbuslibrary.org
Mon, 08 Aug 2005 17:25:34 -0400

SAVE-THE-DATE on your Fall calendar and plan to join us for a
CO-ASIS&T program on Thursday, September 15, 2005:

"Dewey Decimal Classification: News and New Views"

Presenter Libbie Crawford, Marketing Manager, Dewey Decimal
Classification at OCLC will provide this overview of Dewey,
highlighting information on Dewey activities worldwide,=20
including what translations are underway, how to keep up
with changes in the classification, and how the Editorial
Policy Committee works.
Libbie Crawford, M.L.I.S., has held the position of Marketing
Manager for Dewey Products and Services since 2000 and=20
managed the printing of DDC 22 and successive products.
She has served as a public and academic librarian and
previously as an adjunct faculty member at the University
of Alabama, School of Library & Information Studies.
WHEN:  Thursday, September 15, 2005
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Refreshments
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Program and Q & A
WHERE:  Kilgour Auditorium at OCLC
Everyone is welcome to attend this Free event -=20
Please make reservations with Patricia Furney at
pfurney@columbuslibrary.org or phone 614-361-3621.
We look forward to seeing you on September 15th!
Central Ohio Chapter
American Society for Information Science & Technology
Please excuse cross-postings of this announcement.