[OPLINLIST] Announcing new award for professional development from the GMR

Tammy Mays tmays@uic.edu
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:56:59 -0600

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Hi all,

The Greater Midwest Region (GMR) has created a new award for professional 
development.  Targeted to network members who work in hospital and other 
smaller libraries, this award will provide up to $1000 to attend a course 
or participate in some other professional development activity.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is located 
at:  http://nnlm.gov/gmr/funding/profdevaward.html

There is an online application form available - the link to this form is 
found in the RFP.

We expect to be able to fund 5 awards within the next year.  Let me know if 
you have any questions.

Tammy Mays, MLIS, AHIP
Consumer Health Coordinator
NN/LM, Greater Midwest Region
Library of the Health Sciences (M/C 763)
University of Illinois at Chicago
1750 West Polk Street
Chicago, IL 60612

MedlinePlus will direct you to information to help answer health 
questions.  Promote MedlinePlus to your patients and patrons: 

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

<font size=3>Hi all,<br><br>
The Greater Midwest Region (GMR) has created a new award for professional
development.&nbsp; Targeted to network members who work in hospital and
other smaller libraries, this award will provide up to $1000 to attend a
course or participate in some other professional development
The Request for Proposal (RFP) is located at:&nbsp;
<a href="http://nnlm.gov/gmr/funding/profdevaward.html" eudora="autourl">http://nnlm.gov/gmr/funding/profdevaward.html<br><br>
</a>There is an online application form available - the link to this form
is found in the RFP.<br><br>
We expect to be able to fund 5 awards within the next year.&nbsp; Let me
know if you have any questions.<br>
Tammy Mays, MLIS, AHIP<br>
Consumer Health Coordinator<br>
NN/LM, Greater Midwest Region <br>
Library of the Health Sciences (M/C 763)<br>
University of Illinois at Chicago <br>
1750 West Polk Street <br>
Chicago, IL 60612<br><br>
MedlinePlus will direct you to information to help answer health
questions.&nbsp; Promote MedlinePlus to your patients and patrons:
<a href="http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/linking.html" eudora="autourl">http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/linking.html</a>.<br><br>
