[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Wed, 9 Nov 2005 15:10:09 -0500

What's New on NetWellness - November, 2005

November's Feature:  Helping you to breathe easier!

November brings many observances that encourage awareness of breathing
and lung disorders.  Depend on NetWellness to help you breathe easier by
visiting Lung and Respiratory Diseases and related topics Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Hypertension, Asthma,
and Smoking and Tobacco.  Find out how your lungs work and ways to keep
them healthy.  Help a smoker you know join the Great American Smoke Out.
Become an advocate.  Ask our experts questions if you need more
information.  And breathe easier, knowing you have information of the
highest quality.
Department of the Month - Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
The Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University
of Cincinnati College of Medicine is recognized as a national leader in
education, research and clinical medicine.  Areas of particular interest
to the faculty include asthma, innate immunity, cystic fibrosis,
critical care, rare lung disorders, health care outcomes, emphysema,
interstitial lung disease, sleep disorders, and lung cancer. =20

The division consists of 16 full-time physicians and basic scientists
engaged in research, teaching and patient care. Most of these activities
take place at the Medical Sciences Building, the Cardiovascular Center,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, The University Hospital,
Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, the Drake Center, Holmes Hospital, and
University Pointe. A three year fellowship training program is the heart
of the division, and is strengthened by close interactions with
colleagues in the College of Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center and the Cincinnati

Members of the Division answer questions and write articles on
NetWellness in the topics:  Asthma and Lung & Respiratory Diseases.

Latest Information on Bird Flu!

NetWellness has added a new feature to its homepage to help you stay
informed about the spread of avian influenza - or Bird Flu.  Check this
link regularly for up-to-date information from the Centers for Disease
Control, the World Health Organization, the American Veterinary Medicine
Association, and other sources.

Looking for "Ask an Expert"?

In response to requests from our users, NetWellness has added a new help
feature on the homepage.  Click on "Ask an Expert" in the top menu and
get full instructions on how to use the Ask an Expert feature. And don't
forget, we are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we
do well? What can we do to better fit your needs? Send your comments
through our Feedback and our team will give them prompt consideration. =20

Sleep Disorders: New Experts!

NetWellness welcomes Ulysses J. Magalang, MD, Medical Director, Sleep
Disorders Center; Rami N. Khayat, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor; and
Leroy W. Essig II, MD, Clinical Instructor, all faculty in the Division
of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine, College
of Medicine at The Ohio State University to the Sleep Disorders Ask an
Expert team.   Adding pediatric expertise to this expanding group of
experts is Mark Splaingard, MD, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics,
Pulmonary Medicine, Columbus Children's, College of Medicine and Public
Health at The Ohio State University.  Sleep-related issues are a growing
problem in children, causing learning difficulties for many school-aged

Asthma: New Expert!

Cathy Benninger, APRN, C-AE, Program Coordinator, Asthma Clinic,
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department of Internal
Medicine, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University has joined
colleagues of the Asthma Ask an Expert team. As a certified asthma
educator, Cathy brings extensive experience in helping patients
understand this chronic lung disease.
New Article on Understanding Health Risks
Media reports may have you puzzled about just what is meant by terms
like risk, absolute risk, relative risk, and odds.  J. Mac Crawford,
PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences
and Stanley Lemeshow, MSPH, PhD, Professor and Dean, Division of
Biostatistics, both of the School of Public Health at The Ohio State
University, have written a new article, What's the Risk? It's all
Relative. The easy-to-understand examples will help you sort out the
meaning of these terms and better understand health studies in the news.

Preventive Dentistry - New Health Topic on NetWellness

NetWellness is introducing a new topic, Preventive Dentistry, adding to
wealth of existing topics on Dental and Oral Health.  Faculty from Case
Western Reserve's department of community dentistry will join
NetWellness as experts in this topic area, including the Director of
Community Dentistry, James Lalumandier, DDS, MPH, Professor; Stephen
Wotman, DDS, Professor; Suchitra Nelson, PhD, Assistant Professor; James
Houston, DDS, Instructor; Kristin Victoroff, DDS, Assistant Professor;
Catherine Demko, PhD, Associate Professor; Kristin Williams, DDS, MPH,
Senior Instructor.  The oral health experts from Case will work closely
with dental experts from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry,
who serve as experts for 12 dental and oral health topic areas on

Expanded Addiction and Substance Abuse Team

NetWellness welcomes faculty from the Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship
program at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of
Cleveland.  Joining NetWellness expert Christina Delos Reyes, MD, who
runs the fellowship program, is Bruce Merkin, MD, Adjunct Professor; and
Addiction Psychiatry Fellows, Maria Pagano, MD; Richard DeFranco, MD;
Nyk Pidhorodeckyj, MD, MCS; and Georgette Somjen, MD. They join
colleagues from The Ohio State University and the University of
Cincinnati in this Ask an Expert forum.

New Articles in Complementary Medicine

NetWellness expert, Tanya Edwards, MD, Med, has three new articles
appearing on NetWellness this month: Good Food, the Key to Healthy
Children... It's Easier Than You Think, Mom Was Right: Eat Your Fruits
and Vegetables, What is Massage: Information You Knead to Know.  Check
out these and other articles in Complementary Medicine.

It's our Tenth anniversary - Let Us Know How We're Doing

As we near our tenth year on the internet, we are gathering anecdotes
about how NetWellness is helping our users meet their health information
needs. Do you have any stories or experiences you would like to share?
If so, please use our Feedback feature to tell us about them. =20

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty
at the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and
The Ohio State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of
the first health information sites on the Internet.=20