[OPLINLIST] ScanPath---New KSU website usability testing center opens.

cbrodie@kent.edu cbrodie at kent.edu
Thu Dec 14 12:17:19 EST 2006

To the Ohio Library Community:

The School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University 
announces the opening of its new website usability testing center, ScanPath.

ScanPath services will help you evaluate your library website and make
it as useful and appealing as possible. ScanPath services include user
testing on your existing websites or on websites being planned.
Included in these services is the use of a state-of-the-art eye
tracking technique to determine exactly where and how the library
user's eyes move across the web site screen.

ScanPath provides a comprehensive usability testing service, including
assisting in the recruiting of subjects and preparing a detailed
visual analysis and written report on the websites effectiveness.
ScanPath helps you evaluate existing sties and evaluate sites in the
planning stages.  ScanPath recommendations will help you determine if
your current or planned website does what you want it to do and what
issues should be communicated to your web designer.  The cost will
vary with the range of services provided.

ScanPath is staffed by faculty, full time staff and students from Kent
State University.  For more information about our services call (330)
672-0031 or email Aaron Rosenberg, Usability Lab Business Manager, at
arosenb2 at kent.edu.

Carolyn S. Brodie, MSE, MLS, MEd, PhD
Kent State University
School of Library and Information Science
314 Library
Kent, OH  44242-0001

Main Office:  330-672-2782
Direct Line:  330-672-0012
Fax:  330-672-7965
Webpage:   http://www.slis.kent.edu/people/faculty/brodie.php
Email:  cbrodie at kent.edu

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