[OPLINLIST] Providing Consumer Health Information in a Public, School or Academic Library - Mar 9

GCLC gclc at gclc.org
Sun Feb 5 12:48:22 EST 2006

*This announcement has been posted to several lists.  Our apologies for 
any duplication.

    Beyond an Apple a Day:

    Providing Consumer Health Information in a Public, School or
    Academic Library



Thursday, March 9th, 2006


9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


GCLC Office


Tammy Mays, Consumer Health Coordinator for the Greater Midwest Region 
or the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.

Tammy received her MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 
1997. Prior to joining the Greater Midwest Region, Tammy was an 
Associate Fellow (1997-1998) at the National Library of Medicine in 
Bethesda, Maryland. After completing the Associate Fellowship program, 
Tammy relocated to Wisconsin, where she was the Outreach Coordinator for 
two years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Health Sciences Libraries.

Currently, as the Consumer Health Coordinator, Tammy is responsible for 
building a consumer health program for the region by developing 
instructional materials, presenting and exhibiting at professional 
librarians' and health professionals' meetings. She also trains public 
librarians, consumers and health professionals to search NLM's consumer 
health products and services. She has co-authored a chapter on consumer 
health information for Decisions for Health, Level Blue (Holt, Rinehart 
& Winston, 2004) and most recently edited two issues of Library Trends 
on Consumer Health Information.


This hands-on class will cover the information seeking behaviors of 
consumers. It will also address the recommended core reference 
collection, as well as databases and newsletters and periodicals. It 
will cover the reference interview, disclaimers, and privacy as well as 
networking with medical librarians. The class will introduce the 
students to the Medical Library Association and its local chapters. It 
will describe possible ways to market this service in a community.

The objectives in this course are to cover some of the steps involved in 
providing patrons health information in a public, academic, or school 
library setting. The following steps will be covered:
* Background information on health-seeking behavior
* The Health Reference Interview
* Collection Development
* Networking and Marketing Ideas


Continental Breakfast and Sandwich Lunch will be available


$35 (One voucher may be used to pay for this workshop)]

      Friend of GCLC




The deadline to register is Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

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