[OPLINLIST] New Sites for Kent State’s Distance MLIS Degree Program

Rhonda Filipan rfilipan at slis.kent.edu
Wed Feb 22 11:42:55 EST 2006


The Kent State University School of Library and Information Science 
(SLIS) is beginning a new two-year cycle of its 12-12-12 Distance Degree 
program starting Fall 2006 at Franklin Public Library in Franklin, the 
Lorain County Community College (LCCC) in Elyria and SEO Library Center 
in Caldwell.

This program allows students to take courses through interactive video 
and complete an MLIS degree in 2-3 years.  There are no residence 
requirements and all necessary course work can be completed without 
taking courses in Kent or Columbus.

To introduce these new sites and to answer questions from potential 
students, the School is presenting three Open Houses.  Come to one of 
these Open Houses to learn about the program.  Dr. Greg Byerly from SLIS 
will provide an overview of the program and answer questions.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006       6:00pm

Lorain County Community College  - University Center Building

1005 Abbe Rd North __ Elyria, OH 44035

Tuesday, March 28, 2006      4:00pm

Northmont Branch Library

Englewood Government Center

333 W. National Rd.

Englewood,  OH   45322

Tuesday, March 28, 2006       6:30pm

Franklin Public Library

44 East 4th Street; Franklin, OH 45005

Registration is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would 
notify us if you plan on attending so that we can arrange facilities and 
prepare handouts, etc.  Please send an email to Mary Paschen, 12-12-12 
Administrative Clerk, indicating that you plan on attending or if you 
have any questions.  She can also answer questions about the program and 
will provide directions to the sites, if needed.  Send the email to: 
mpaschen at slis.kent.edu <mailto:mpaschen at slis.kent.edu>. 

The second year of the two-year cycle started last year in Cincinnati, 
LCCC, and Portsmouth will continue next year and conclude in Spring 2007.

Information about the 12-12-12 Distance Learning Program, including a 
list of Frequently Asked Questions, is available on the School’s web 
site (www.slis.kent.edu <http://www.slis.kent.edu/>, then click on 
Programs, Distance Education (12-12-12).



Rhonda S. Filipan, M.A., M.L.S.
Academic Program Coordinator
Kent State University
School of Library and Information Science

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