[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP at UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Tue Mar 21 14:24:08 EST 2006

What's New on NetWellness - March 2006

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer, or cancer of the colon or rectum, is the second
leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States for both men
and women combined. The disease surpasses both breast and prostate
cancer in mortality, second only to lung cancer in numbers of cancer
deaths.  Despite the fact that it is highly preventable, it is estimated
that approximately 148,610 new cases of colorectal cancer will be
diagnosed in 2006 and 55,170 people will die from the disease.  Check
out our monthly feature to learn more about the facts of colon cancer,
your risk factors, screening and prevention, and seeking treatment

Colon Cancer: New Topic and Experts!

In observance of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, NetWellness
has opened a new topic on Colon Cancer.  This topic features a
comprehensive approach to cancer, providing information from experts who
specialize in colon cancer prevention and screening, oncology, and
surgical treatment. 

This topic also features an original overview and related documents
focusing on risk factors, screening, and common symptoms and tests
including detailed information on colonoscopy prep and testing, the
preferred method of screening for colon cancer.

Experts from all three of the partner institutions have come together in
support of this topic.  From the University of Cincinnati, Janice
Rafferty, MD, NetWellness expert in the topic Colorectal Diseases is
joined by seven new faculty experts from Case Western Reserve University
and The Ohio State University. 

Representing Case Western are Timothy O'Brien, Director of the Cancer
Care Center and Assistant Professor with the School of Medicine,
MetroHealth Medical Center ; Julia Gore Thornton, Division of
Gastroenterology, Senior Instructor with the School of Medicine,
MetroHealth Medical Center ; James Merlino, Department of Surgery,
Assistant Professor with the School of Medicine; and Gregory Cooper,
Ireland Cancer Center, Associate Professor with the School of Medicine,
University Hospitals of Cleveland. 

Representing The Ohio State University, are Edward W Martin, MD,
Professor, Department of Surgery , College of Medicine, Arthur G. James
Cancer Hospital; Tanios Bekaii-Saab, MD, Assistant Professor, Division
of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of
Medicine; and James P. Thomas, MD, PhD, Medical Director, Clinical
Trials Office, Associate Professor Hematology and Oncology,
Comprehensive Cancer Center, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research

Sarcoidosis: New Topic and Expert!  

Adding to our growing content in the area of Lung and Respiratory
Diseases, we have opened a new forum dedicated to Sarcoidosis.  Although
this uncommon disease most frequently involves the lungs and lymph
nodes, it can affect any part of the body.  Elliott D. Crouser, MD,
Assistant Professor, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department
of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine at The Ohio State University
has written an informative Overview on this topic.  Dr. Crouser will
also answer your questions about sarcoidosis and about maintaining a
normal lifestyle.

Eating Disorders: New Topic and Experts!

Concerns about body image are the norm among girls and women in our
society and may lead to an eating disorder.  To help recognize the
symptoms of eating disorders and to prevent their serious health
consequences, NetWellness is pleased to launch a new topic devoted to
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.  Leslie J
Heinberg, PhD, Clinical Director, Healthy Weight, Healthy Kids, Rainbow
Babies and Children's Hospital and Associate Professor, School of
Medicine, University Hospitals of Cleveland , Case Western Reserve
University and Laura Hill, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department
of Psychiatry , College of Medicine at The Ohio State University are now
available to answer your questions about body image disturbances.

Infectious Diseases: New Expert!

NetWellness welcomes Kurt B. Stevenson, MD, MPH, Associate Medical
Director, OSU Health System Department of Epidemiology and Associate
Professor, School of Public Health and College of Medicine at The Ohio
State University to its team of Infectious Diseases experts.  Dr.
Stevenson is interested in preventing the development and spread of
antimicrobial resistance as well as in ways of improving many aspects of
clinical care.  

Women's Health: New Experts!

NetWellness welcomes both Maria Riza B. Conroy, MD and Shazia Ahmed
Khan, MD to the team of Women's Health experts. Dr. Conroy is a Clinical
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine
at The Ohio State University.  Dr. Conroy also brings an interest in
geriatrics to our team of Women's Health experts.  Dr. Khan is a Women's
Health specialist in the Division of General Internal Medicine at
MetroHealth Medical Center, and Assistant Professor in the School of
Medicine at Case Western Reserve University.

Dietary Tips for TB Patients: New Article 

Written by Allan Chiunda, MPH, and Daryl Thornton, MD, from Case Western
Reserve University.  This feature provides important nutritional
information on fat, carbohydrates, protein and sodium for the TB

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Sinus Headaches: New Articles

Winter is still upon us, so if you're looking to feel better, this
information might be of help.  These articles are authored by
NetWellness expert Darrell Hulisz, PharmD, Associate Professor of Family
Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, Case
Western Reserve University.  Dr. Hulisz is also available to answer your
questions in the NetWellness topic area Pharmacy and Medications.

It's our Tenth anniversary - Let Us Know How We're Doing

As we near our tenth year on the internet, we are gathering anecdotes
about how NetWellness is helping our users meet their health information
needs. Do you have any stories or experiences you would like to share?
If so, please use our Feedback feature to tell us about them. 

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty
at the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and
The Ohio State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of
the first health information sites on the Internet. 

This eNewsletter

NetWellness publishes "What's New" once a month, with occasional special
issues. If you wish to no longer receive this newsletter, or if you did
not receive this newsletter personally and would like to, contact
Charlie Kishman at charles.kishman at uc.edu.  

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