March 2006 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Mar 1 11:10:32 EDT 2006
Ending: Fri Mar 31 14:41:46 EDT 2006
Messages: 119
- [OPLINLIST] 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Forms only available
gerkenrh at
- [OPLINLIST] 2006 Deaf History Month
Ruth Metcalf
- [OPLINLIST] 2006 OLC Tech. Serv. Retreat; Perrysville, Ohio
Miller, Roger
- [OPLINLIST] AED Question
Mary K Ball
- [OPLINLIST] ALAO-SSIG Spring 2006 Workshop Registration & Announcement
Doug Morrison
- [OPLINLIST] Anyone need Ohio State Tax Forms (on CARGO only)
Rhonda Gerken
- [OPLINLIST] Archives 101 -- Establishing an Archives - Apr 25
- [OPLINLIST] Art of the Picture Book - Join Us!!
Judith Williams
- [OPLINLIST] Attending PLA preconference?
Dillie, Thomas
- [OPLINLIST] Author Andrea Cheng at the London Public Library
Mike Hensel
- [OPLINLIST] bags
Paula Suber
- [OPLINLIST] Basic Collection Development and Management - Apr 27-28
- [OPLINLIST] Books for Adoption
Weinstein, Robin
- [OPLINLIST] Books for Adoption, What Remains
Weinstein, Robin
Ruth Metcalf
- [OPLINLIST] Build Your Own Video Game Dance Studio for Less Than $100
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] Bunny Ellison Die
Elizabeth Muether
- [OPLINLIST] CAMLS Good to Great workshop
Terri Pasadyn
- [OPLINLIST] Can you identify this rhyme?
Susan Vermilya
- [OPLINLIST] Can you identify this rhyme?
Wilma Bacigalupo
- [OPLINLIST] Clerk-Treasurer position available
Peercy, Lisa
- [OPLINLIST] CO-ASIS&T Program on Podcasting, Thursday, April 20th 2006
Patricia Furney
- [OPLINLIST] Contemporary Authors
Kathleen Kozup
- [OPLINLIST] Da Vinci Code program
Patty O'Connor
Carol Hawthorne
- [OPLINLIST] Deadline April 3: SOA Poster Session Submissions
Angela O'Neal
- [OPLINLIST] Developing the Art of Supervising People - May 1
- [OPLINLIST] Dog tags
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] dog tags
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] Egyptian Ellison Dies
Amy Murphy
- [OPLINLIST] Ellison Die Requests
Laura Woodcox
- [OPLINLIST] Extra HP LaserJet Print Cartridge
Elizabeth Muether
- [OPLINLIST] Farewell for Stephen Hedges/Nelsonville Public Library
lmiller at
- [OPLINLIST] Federal Income Tax Booklets Available for libraries on CARGO
Rhonda Gerken
Marsha Erickson
- [OPLINLIST] Fund Raising in Akron
Frank Atkinson
- [OPLINLIST] FW: [ALA-WO:241] Senate passes flawed PATRIOT Act Reauthorization
Kent Oliver
- [OPLINLIST] FW: [ALSC-L:4175] Materials for Children with Disabilities blog
Ruth Metcalf
- [OPLINLIST] FW: ALAO 2006 conference
- [OPLINLIST] FW: ALAO 2006 Conference Call for Proposals Announcement
George, Mary Ellen
- [OPLINLIST] FW: Iditarod Dog Musher Available to do Library Talks -Paws, Claws, Scales, and Tails
Kathy Herfurth
- [OPLINLIST] FW: Iditarod Dog Musher Available to do Library Talks - Paws, Claws, Scales, and Tails
Ruth Metcalf
- [OPLINLIST] FW: Old Life, Time and Scientific American Magazines
Deb Baker
- [OPLINLIST] Fwd: [ALAO-SSIG] Be someone who'll make a difference & ALAO Spring Workshop Info Attached
Doug Morrison
- [OPLINLIST] Fwd: AccessScience News - March 2006
Don Yarman
- [OPLINLIST] GCPL: Star SP300 printers available
Mann, James H.
- [OPLINLIST] Giveaway
nterrill at
- [OPLINLIST] Great Reference Book Weed at Mount Vernon
Deb Baker
- [OPLINLIST] Great Reference Weed Additions
Deb Baker
- [OPLINLIST] Health Research--Moderated Discussion - Apr. 11
Camille J. Leslie
- [OPLINLIST] Job Opening-Head of Popular Library
Babette Wofter
- [OPLINLIST] Job Opening: Branch Children's Librarian
Babette Wofter
- [OPLINLIST] KSU Library School Awards Dinner at OCLC!
Rhonda Filipan
- [OPLINLIST] KSU Library School Awards Dinner---RSVP BY APRIL 6!
Rhonda Filipan
- [OPLINLIST] Last call 2006 ALAO Diversity Scholarship
Cliff Glaviano
- [OPLINLIST] Library Leadership Ohio 2006
Terri Pasadyn
- [OPLINLIST] LIBRI grants available for rural public libraries and children's librarians
Ruth Metcalf
- [OPLINLIST] Managing Employee Health Issues
Terri Pasadyn
- [OPLINLIST] Murder Mystery Theater at London Public Library
Mike Hensel
- [OPLINLIST] music cd's
nterrill at
- [OPLINLIST] music CD's
nterrill at
Deborah F. O'Connor
Gardin, Martha L.
Stephen Hedges
Aaron Sturgill
- [OPLINLIST] New OPLIN Executive Director
Don Yarman
- [OPLINLIST] Notice of supplemental meeting
Don Yarman
- [OPLINLIST] Nuns to Face Off Against Librarians
Epling, Jimmie (KDLA)
- [OPLINLIST] OELMA 2006 Conference Proposals Requested
Christine Morris
- [OPLINLIST] Ohio Historical Society website(s) survey
Angela O'Neal
- [OPLINLIST] Ohio Income Tax Booklets Available for libraries on CARGO
Melissa Percic
- [OPLINLIST] OHIONET Annual Meeting
Carol Verny
- [OPLINLIST] OHIONET Annual Meeting: Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!
Carol Verny
- [OPLINLIST] Open House
Delphos Public Library
- [OPLINLIST] OPLIN Equipment Returns
OPLIN Support
OPLIN Support
- [OPLINLIST] OVAL March Workshops
Marion Cochran
- [OPLINLIST] OVAL Presents Microsoft Workshops
Marion Cochran
- [OPLINLIST] photocopier available
Lynn Harden
- [OPLINLIST] PLA in Boston
Susan Hill
- [OPLINLIST] Planned giving
Eric Taggart
- [OPLINLIST] Program announcement
S. Gayle Hazelbaker
- [OPLINLIST] Reader's Guide Books and Book Review Digest for adoption
Marlene Pelyhes
- [OPLINLIST] Rediscovering the Lost Art of Customer Service - May 1
- [OPLINLIST] Reference for the Rest of Us
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] Religious Resources: two workshops in April at OHIONET
Mary Conroy
- [OPLINLIST] Reminder: Ohio Historical Society website(s) survey
Angela O'Neal
- [OPLINLIST] Remote location pick-up lockers
Karen Sonderman
- [OPLINLIST] Resources for2006 summer reading program
Ruth Metcalf
- [OPLINLIST] Save the Date--TechConnections 2006
Anne K. Abate
- [OPLINLIST] Save the Date--TechConnections 2006
- [OPLINLIST] school tax forms
Sandy Thaxton
- [OPLINLIST] Send us your news
Sean Hughes
- [OPLINLIST] SOA Conference April 19-21
Angela O'Neal
- [OPLINLIST] Sound recording classification
Amy Goffee
- [OPLINLIST] Sound recording classification
Strait, Constance
- [OPLINLIST] Spiderwick Chronicles Program...
Barb Scott
- [OPLINLIST] Spring Literary Arts Festival in Vinton County
Erick C. Walker
- [OPLINLIST] Staff Question(s)
Susan Hill
- [OPLINLIST] State Library of Ohio Announces 2006 NCLIS Health Awards State Winner
Sean Hughes
- [OPLINLIST] State Library of Ohio announces MORE new membership moratorium
Sean Hughes
- [OPLINLIST] State Library Tagline Survey Reminder
Sean Hughes
- [OPLINLIST] State Library's Tagline Survey
Sean Hughes
- [OPLINLIST] Summer Reading incentives
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] Summer Reading incentives
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] Summer Reading Mentor program for deaf & hard of hearing children
Janet Ingraham Dwyer
- [OPLINLIST] Surplus items:
Rick Smith
- [OPLINLIST] Surplus Toner Cartridges
Jan McCann
- [OPLINLIST] Thanks for the DDR info
Carol Hawthorne
- [OPLINLIST] Thinking Outside the Box: Principles and Practices of an Unconventional Library - Apr 13
- [OPLINLIST] This Just In...From the State Library
Jay Burton
- [OPLINLIST] Toner Cartridges
Jan McCann
- [OPLINLIST] Travan Tapes Available
James Guilford
- [OPLINLIST] Virginia Hamilton Conference on Multicultural Literature for Youth
Rhonda Filipan
- [OPLINLIST] Virginia Hamilton Conference on Multicultural Literature for Youth---REGISTER!
Rhonda Filipan
- [OPLINLIST] Web Site Design: Basics of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - Apr 12
- [OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness
Kishman, Charles (kishmacp)
- [OPLINLIST] Youth Services Symposium: Tween & Teen Materials, Programs, Emerging Technologies, and Ideas for Service
Melissa Lattanzi
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 14:41:46 EDT 2006
Archived on: Mon Apr 3 09:23:40 EDT 2006
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).