[OPLINLIST] Youth Services Symposium: Tween & Teen Materials, Programs, Emerging Technologies, and Ideas for Service

Melissa Lattanzi lattanzm at nolanet.org
Thu Mar 23 14:30:26 EST 2006

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YSS XVII: From Joey Pigza to Boneville
Teen Materials, Programs, Emerging Technologies, and Ideas for Service

May 8 & 9, 2006 

Sawmill Creek Resort 
400 Sawmill 
Huron OH, 44839 

Program Description:

This is the Seventeenth year for Ohio's popular Youth Services Symposium, and the focus this year is on Topics for Teens and Middle School students. Our featured authors will be Jack Gantos, author of popular series "Joey Pigza" and the "Jack" tales; and Jeff Smith, creator of the hugely successful Boneville graphic novels. Linda Braun, an educational technology consultant, and author of numerous books on teen service, will address the following: "The 3 C's of Teens: Community, Collaboration and Creation;" "Emerging Technology for Teens" and "Reading and Writing in a Teen¹s World: The Positive Connections between Technology and Literacy." Breakouts include "Best Books for Boys" by Rollie Welch; "Best Books for Girls" by Nancy Levin; and "Gaming in the Library" by Brad Stephens and Shawn Walsh. Sponsors include: CAMLS Regional Library System, NOLA Regional Library System, NORWELD and MOLO Regional Library Systems. Don't miss this one! 


Jack Gantos, Author 
Jeff Smith, Author 
Nancy Levin, Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library 
Rollie Welch, Cleveland Public Library 
Brad Stephens and Shawn Walsh, NOLA Regional Library System 
Linda Braun, Teen Library Consultant 

Workshop Registration Fee: CAMLS, MOLO, NOLA, & NORWELD Members: $ 130.00 

Non-Member Cost: $230.00 

Room Reservations: 

Call for room reservations at $95/room to Saw Mill Creek Resort, at 419-433-3800. Room Reservations need to be made separate from Symposium registration, and attendees are responsible for making their own room reservations. 

To Register: http://www.nolanet.org/eventdetail.cfm?ID=561




Melissa Lattanzi, Continuing Education Coordinator

NOLA Regional Library System 

4445 Mahoning Ave. NW

Warren, OH 44483

330-847-7744 ext. 12

lattanzm at nolanet.org



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