[OPLINLIST] Intellectual Freedom Roundtable Pre-Conference at ALA Annual

Kent Oliver koliver at starklibrary.org
Thu Apr 5 16:37:37 EDT 2007

FYI, Kent
A great opportunity to hear an interesting program on Intellectual
Freedom that includes two Ohio librarians!


Intellectual Freedom Round Table Offering an Exciting Preconference for
ALA Annual 2007!

Celebrating the Library Bill of Rights

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Spend an afternoon with library intellectual freedom activists from
around the United States as we celebrate one of our profession's most
important documents: The American Library Association's Library Bill of
Rights. A panel of speakers who have faced challenges will talk about
what the LBOR means to them. Then, there will be an opportunity to
participate in facilitated table discussions of the many LBOR
interpretations that have been passed by ALA Council over the years.
This program is guaranteed to engage and enthuse participants.

Keynote: Dr. Carrie Gardner, Assistant Professor, School of Library and
Information Science, The Catholic University of America

Our panel and the incidents they will discuss:

Rosanne Cordell, Chair, IFRT & Head of Reference Services, Schurz
Library, Indiana University South Bend --IFRT welcome, & discussion of
instances when faculty experts object to library materials they consider

Scott Savage, Head of Reference and Instruction, Ohio State University,
Mansfield Campus --Accused of sexual harassment because he recommended a
controversial book

J. Douglas Archer, Reference and Peace Studies Librarian, Hesburgh
Library, University of Notre Dame --Internet filtering and a hostile
work environment in a private university setting

Michele M. Reutty, Library Director, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ; --Refused to
give police library circulation records without a subpoena

Barbara Bailey,  Director, Welles-Turner Memorial Library in
Glastonbury, Connecticut; --Was President of Library Connection in 2005
when it received a National Security Letter from the FBI requesting IP
information from a member library.  Library Connection chose not to
comply based on patron privacy and violation of First Amendment rights
(the nondisclosure or "gag" order) associated with the NSL

Kelley McDaniel, School Library Media Specialist, King Middle School,
Portland, Maine --A situation where a book challenge provided an
opportunity to help school administration understand the practicality
and importance of the LBOR

June Pinnell-Stephens, Collection Services Manager, Fairbanks North Star
Borough Public Library, Retired --Two challenges to gay/lesbian display,
first in Fairbanks and then in Anchorage

Kent Oliver, Executive Director, Stark County District Library --An
interesting local challenge involving erotica, & perspective on working
with libraries while serving as Chair of the ALA Intellectual Freedom

To register, just check off *Celebrating the Library Bill of Rights* on
your ALA paper or online form.  If you've already registered for the
Conference, call 1-800-545-2433 extension 5 to add this preconference to
your itinerary.  For more information on the American Library
Association Annual Conference, please visit www.ala.org

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