[OPLINLIST] 12 Tips for the One-Person Library: an eClassroom Workshop in Blue Ash, Ohio

SWON Libraries info at swonlibraries.org
Tue Apr 24 16:44:09 EDT 2007

*This announcement has been posted to several lists.  Our apologies for 
any duplication.

  Twelve Tips for the One-Person Library:
  A Simultaneous e-Classroom Experience

In this course, you will find ways to manage your information service, 
your time, your customers, and your boss, using a few business 
management and marketing principles.

In a one-person library or information service organization, there never 
seems to be enough time to do the administrative, never mind the 
professional, work. This course will introduce practical tips that form 
a framework for decision making to help you do the following:

* Manage your portfolio of services, knowing which ones to advance, 
which to phase out, and which to introduce for long-term growth
* Spend more time on the critical projects and say "no" to the 
low-priority demands
* Promote your service to clients and management without great 
expenditures of time and resources
* Cultivate relationships with the "influencers" in the organization; 
talk and think in business terms


Wednesday, May 9th, 2007


2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


SWON Libraries Office


For many years *Maggie Weaver* worked as the business librarian in a 
large chemical company. As the chemical industry nose-dived in the 
1990s, the library went through several downsizings, and she had to come 
up with new approaches to get and keep the support of clients and her 
boss. By applying management techniques (sometimes subversive ones), 
Maggie succeeded in raising the profile of the library in quite adverse 

Maggie had more opportunities to learn and apply management techniques 
as the Canadian representative for Dialog. Later, she started the 
Intelli/Search/ fee-based service with a team of three in the Toronto 
Reference Library. She also started up and operated an information 
service for the City of Toronto Economic Development Division, helping 
small business clients get into exporting.

Maggie is currently self-employed, with clients in the federal and 
provincial governments. As her own "one-man band," she tries to promote 
the value of library skills for agencies that don't have libraries. 
Marketing, time management, and boss management (now in the form of 
customer relations) are all part of her work, as is focusing on key 
services and juggling the marketing mix.

Maggie speaks frequently at library conferences about marketing of 
library services, small business information needs, and business 
planning, among other topics. These conferences have included the 
Canadian Library Association, the Ontario Association of Library 
Technicians/Association des Bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario, the Ontario 
Library Association, and the American Library Association.

      */Critical Learning Outcomes/*

* Identify your sources of influence

* Apply SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) 
analysis to your library services

* Segment your market to make promotion more effective

* Design services to optimize value to clients

* Market to management and clients without spending time and money

This course was originally developed for the Professional Learning 
Centre at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information Studies, 
initially as a classroom workshop and now as a distance education program.


Light snacks will be provided


This Click U Live! seminar is designed for librarians and information 
professionals who are working in very small libraries or on their own as 
independent contractors.

      Contributing Member of SWON Libraries


      Friend of SWON Libraries


      Contributing Member of NEO-RLS, NORWELD, or SERLS




The deadline to register is Sunday, May 6th, 2007

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