[OPLINLIST] **LAST CHANCE** FREE! Gale Literary Criticism sets and NewsBank...

Wendy Greenwood wgreen at ghpl.org
Tue Jul 17 10:50:05 EDT 2007

For those of you who may have been on holiday when I last posted this 

The following collections are available FREE to any library desiring to 
possess it.  We can send it via Cargo Express if you also have the 
service OR you may pick it up from our library.  These sets are 
complete.  You may request one title set or all the title sets, but 
please take ALL the volumes for each of title sets requested.

If you know of a high school or college library that would be interested 
in these items, please forward this information to them.

Contemporary Literary Criticism, volumes 1-226 (33 linear ft. of shelf 
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, volumes 1-181 (23 linear ft.)
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, volumes 1-173 (21 linear ft.)
Literature Criticism 1400-1800, volumes 1-130 (16 linear ft.)
Shakespearean Criticism, volumes 1-100 (12 linear ft.)
This may possibly be of historic value to an academic institution.
NewsBank microfilm collection:
NewsBank Index--1982-1995 (14 hardbound volumes) & 1996-1997 (23 
softbound volumes--missing July 1996)
NewsBank Names in the News--1982-1995 (13 hardbound volumes) & 1996-1997 
(24 softbound volumes)

Microfiche for the following NewsBank categories corresponds to the 
NewsBank Index:
People 1989-1997
Political Development 1982-1997
Science & Technology 1990-1997
Social Relations 1982-1997
Transportation 1982-1997
Welfare & Poverty 1982-1997
Names in the News 1982-1997 (Separate index described above)
Arts & Literature 1995-1997
Business & Economic Development 1982-1997
Consumer Affairs 1982-1997
Education 1982-1997
Employment 1982-1997
Environment 1982-1997
Government Structure 1982-1997
Health 1982-1997
Housing & Land Development 1982-1997
International Affairs 1983-1997

Wendy S. Greenwood
Reference Department Manager
Grandview Heights Public Library
1685 W. First Ave.
Columbus, OH  43212-3399
614.481.3776 voice
614.481.7020 FAX
wgreen at ghpl.org

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