[OPLINLIST] Multi-Cultural Reader's Advisory: Workshop in Blue Ash, Ohio

SWON Libraries info at swonlibraries.org
Thu May 17 17:41:44 EDT 2007

*This announcement has been posted to several lists.  Our apologies for 
any duplication.

  Multi-Cultural Reader's Advisory

This workshop is designed for librarians, library assistants and library 
science students who have the responsibility of collecting and 
recommending fiction and literature of various cultures including: 
African-American, Hispanic, Asian and Arab cultures. This workshop will 
investigate literature and fiction approached from collection 
development and readers' advisory perspectives.

* We Will Explore...*
-- Resources for multicultural literature and fiction
-- The differences and similarities of various cultures' literature
-- Reference tools and print reference sources

Visit Miriam Kahn's Website for More Information and References 


Thursday, June 7th, 2007


9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


SWON Libraries Office


MBK Consulting <http://www.mbkcons.com/default.htm> was founded by 
Miriam Kahn, MLS, in 1991. The company specializes in providing 
consulting and educational services to libraries, archives, historical 
societies, museums and other cultural institutions. In addition, MBK 
Consulting provides reference services on a consulting basis to 
businesses, law firms and individuals.

Miriam Kahn regularly teaches workshops for librarians at the Kent State 
University School of Library and Information Science as well as at 
OHIONET, the state's library consortium, and many other library and 
genealogy groups. In the summer of 2002, Miriam taught Preservation 
Management for the School of Information Science at the University of 

Miriam Kahn received her MLS from Queens College, CUNY, and her MA from 
Hunter College, CUNY. She has worked as a Preservation Consultant for 
the State Library of Ohio, a Coordinator of Online Bibliographic 
Services for the University of South Dakota, and a Reference Librarian 
for the New York Public Library.

Miriam has been teaching book repair for over 10 years and has branched 
out to work with fibers as well as paper. Her newest endeavors involve 
preservation & conservation of fiber art as well as the creation of such 
pieces. Miriam is involved with the Art Quilt Alliance 
<http://www.artquiltalliance.com/> (of Ohio) and is currently managing 
their newsletter and website.


Continental breakfast will be provided


Any librarian or library staff member

      Contributing Member of SWON Libraries


      Friend of SWON Libraries


      Contributing Member of NEO-RLS, NORWELD, or SERLS




The deadline to register is Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

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