[OPLINLIST] Perrysburg, Ohio Fall Workshops: Archives 101 and Web 2.0

Angela O'Neal aoneal at ohiohistory.org
Tue Oct 16 16:57:16 EDT 2007

The Society of Ohio Archivists will hold two workshops on Nov. 2, 2007.
All events are at the Holiday Inn, French Quarter, located at 10630
Fremont Pike (US20 @ I-75 exit 193), Perrysburg, Ohio. See www.hifq.com
for information on hotel rates. Lunch is included with all sessions.
Note: Due to a scheduling conflict, the strategic planning session
scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 1 has been postponed. Stay tuned for more

Archives 101 Workshop
9:00-5:00 (Registration begins at 8:30); $30 SOA Members/ $40
Sponsored by the Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board (OHRAB) 
This workshop examines the challenges of the archival profession.
Participants learn basic information and skills needed to collect,
appraise, process, describe and service archival collections. This
one-day workshop is great for new archivists or people responsible for
caring for archival collections. Participants will receive a CD
containing the workshop and reference materials. Limit: 20 Participants.

Wikis, Blogs, Flickr, Zoho, and More: Demystifying Web 2.0 in Your
9:00-4:30 (Registration begins at 8:30); $35 SOA Members/ $45
We may have heard about blogs, wikis, social networking, photo sharing,
and folksonomies, but what is Web 2.0 and why do archivists and
librarians need to know about it? This workshop will explore the
opportunities and challenges that Web 2.0 offers to archivists and
librarians and offer simple tips on how you can implement Web 2.0 tools
in your institution. Familiarity with the Web is a plus, but technical
expertise is not required for this workshop. Sessions include: 

*	Exploring Libraries (...And Our Users) In The Web 2.0 Realm 
*	Second Life 101 
*	Archives 2.0: A Survey Of Library, Archives And Museum Projects
Using Web 2.0 
*	Web 2.0: Getting Your Archives/Library On Board 


Visit www.ohioarchivists.org <http://www.ohioarchivists.org/>  to
register online. A paper registration form may be downloaded at:
http://www.ohioarchivists.org/SOA_fall_workshop_2007.pdf  Register by
October 31, 2007. Contact: Erik Mayer, Program Co-Chair, at (614)
764-6072; E-mail mayere at oclc.org for more information.

Please excuse cross-postings.



Angela O'Neal, President

Society of Ohio Archivists
Digital Projects Manager 
Ohio Historical Society 
(614) 297-2576 


View our collections online:


JP Morgan Chase presents Once Upon A Dime: The World of Money, organized
by The Newark Museum, on exhibit at the Ohio Historical Center Museum in
Columbus from September 1, 2007 through April 1, 2008. Discover the
fascinating story of money from the barter system to digital dollars
through a series of family friendly hands-on activities. Visit
www.ohiohistory.org/dime for details.  

Are you a member? Membership is more valuable than ever, with four
featured exhibits scheduled during the next 12 months! Learn more today
at www.ohiohistory.org/about/mem.html
<http://www.ohiohistory.org/about/mem.html> .



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