[OPLINLIST] Clarification on survey on technology skills in libraries

Burke, John J. burkejj at muohio.edu
Thu Dec 4 09:21:03 EST 2008

First of all, let me thank so many of you for taking the time to fill out the survey.  As of this morning, 971 individuals from all types of libraries have successfully completed it.  This is a much larger response than I had hoped for, and I hope it will only continue to grow.

I realize that a number of people have had difficulties with the survey, based on the fifty or so emails that I've received and some traffic on the lists.  I apologize for my part in this.  My original diagnosis was that the survey software could not handle the large volume of responses, but as the numbers of completed surveys continued to surge, I realized the issues had to be elsewhere.

Two key practices will ensure that the survey form will operate properly.  (1) You have to enter something for each question for the next page to appear when you click next. (2) Also, on the question related to your primary area of responsibility, you truly can only pick one area.  As  someone who works at a regional campus, I realize that many of us (school librarians, public library staff at smaller branches, etc.) wear multiple hats (or all the hats).  If you prefer, you can choose the "other" option on that question and enter something that explains your diverse duties.  I should have foreseen that need in designing the survey.

I encourage anyone who had difficulty to give it another try and be sure to read the directions at the top of the first page and included in parentheses with each question.  I also encourage anyone who has not yet filled it out to do so.  The survey is available at https://survey.muohio.edu/Checkbox/libtech.survey  It should take about five minutes to complete.  Survey respondents will have the opportunity to receive a summary of the survey results.  All replies to the survey are anonymous.

Thank you very much for your participation and help!


John J. Burke, MSLS                                  Phone:  (513) 727-3293
Director, Gardner-Harvey Library        Fax:  (513) 727-3434
Miami University Middletown               Email:  burkejj at muohio.edu<mailto:burkejj at muohio.edu>
4200 E. University Blvd.                          Meebo:  infomanjjb
Middletown, OH                                       Web:  http://www.users.muohio.edu/burkejj

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