[OPLINLIST] Books for Adoption

Weinstein, Robin RWeinstein at gcpl.lib.oh.us
Tue Jun 17 15:33:29 EDT 2008

Hi, Everyone,

The following withdrawn reference titles are available for adoption by small libraries in Ohio using U. S. Cargo. Please limit your selections to four titles and include your Cargo code. Also, including the branch code, e.g., (F), with the respective titles would help me to sort out your requests more easily.


Career Information Center, 13 vols., 2007 (F)
Children's Books in Print, 2006 (B)
Complete Dog Book: The Official Publication of the American Kennel Club, 1997 (F)
Directory of Ohio Libraries, 2003 (Y)
Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media, 5 vols., 2007 (F) (B)
Magazines for Libraries, 2002 (B)
Modell's Essential Drugs (in current use and new drugs), 2006 (F)
Mosby's Drug Consult, 2007 (F)
Ohio Revised Code Annotated, 2007 (General Index), 2 vols., (Y)
Standard & Poor's Register Corporations, 2004 (B)
Standard & Poor's Register Directors and Executives, 2004 (B)
Street.com Ratings' Guide to Property and Casualty Insurers, Winter 2007-08 (F)
Street.com Ratings' Ultimate Guided Tour of Stock Investing, Fall 2007 (B)
Teacher Certification Requirements, 2003-04 (B)
Thomas Register Company Profiles, 2001 (B)

Robin Weinstein, Head Librarian
Fairborn Community Library
1 E. Main St.
Fairborn, OH 45324
rweinstein at gcpl.lib.oh.us<mailto:rweinstein at gcpl.lib.oh.us>
Voice: 937-878-9383, ext. 4301
Fax: 937-878-0374

"The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work." --- Agha Hasan Abedi

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