cherie bronkar cheriebr35 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 14 10:25:55 EDT 2008

I've purchased numerous LCD's for use at our school. I like NEC's and Hitachis for their ease of use and lower replacement bulb cost. I chose the less expensive SVGA rather than XGA because of two things...longer lamp life (The lamps run from $350.00 to $500.00 to replace dependent upon the model) and the clarity is good for presenations. The XGA provides more clarity, but you don't need XGA for PowerPoints, web demos. SVGA has more than enough clarity for meeting room/classroom usage. If you are wanting to project in a large auditorium then you do need XGA. 
 You can check out specs at http://www.necdisplay.com/Products/SubClass/?subclass=76927e20-b543-4a32-b118-cd6cd497d2bd

There's a hot new product on the market now to. The 'mini'. Mistsubishi XD9ou. If you are looking for the best portability and smallest size this one's great. We picked up a couple of these in the XGA DLP model to be used for off-site presenations. http://www.mitsubishi-presentations.com/products/projectors/XD90U.html 

There are quite a few reviews and product comparisons for models and specs. It mostly depends on what you'll be using them for as to whether you'll need the less expensive SVGA model or the more expensive XGA. 

Cherie Bronkar

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