[OPLINLIST] NEW Archival Worskhops---Summer in Kent---REGISTER!

FILIPAN, RHONDA rfilipan at kent.edu
Mon Mar 24 12:23:18 EDT 2008

Two exciting new Summer workshops at Kent State!  

1 graduate credit ($408)


Archival Description: DACS, MARC, and EAD

June 20 - 21

9:00 - 4:30

Instructor:  Dr. Karen Gracy, Assistant Professor, School of Library &
Information Science

Kent, 317 Library

To Register:  Enter CRN 13800

** If you are not a KSU student, please call 1-800-672-KSU2 to Register


This workshop will introduce participants to the three standards central
to archival description: Describing Archives:  A Content Standard
(DACS), Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC), and Encoded Archival
Description (EAD).   Students will gain knowledge of how archival
collections are organized and described, and learn the key components of
archival finding aids (including biographies and administrative
histories, scope and content notes, and other elements specific to
archival description).  They will then generate electronic versions of
these descriptions in both MARC and EAD formats. 




1.      Kathleen Roe, Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts
(Chicago:  Society of American Archivists, 2005).  

2.      Describing Archives: A Content Standard (Chicago:  Society of
American Archivists, 2004). 




Introduction to Audiovisual Archiving

July 11 - 12

9:00 - 4:30

Instructor:  Dr. Karen Gracy, Assistant Professor, School of Library &
Information Science

Kent, 317 Library

To Register:  Enter CRN 13802

** If you are not a KSU student, please call 1-800-672-KSU2 to Register




Through a combination of lecture, demonstrations, and discussion,
participants will be introduced to the core concerns of moving image and
sound archiving, including the following topics:  Basics of film and
magnetic media care and handling. methods of preservation and
restoration (for both analog and digital media), approaches to
restoration, paying particular attention to ethical concerns, how to
deal with the new digital media (including the benefits and pitfalls of
digitization), systems of description and retrieval for archival
audiovisual material, focusing on media asset management systems, ways
to provide access to audiovisual media


** 3 books required---all available online


The Film Preservation Guide:  The Basics for Libraries, Archives, and
Museums.  San Francisco:  National Film Preservation Foundation, 2004.
Available online (or can be purchased at):


VideoPreservation Website,
http://videopreservation.stanford.edu/index.html (explore the all
sections of the site, particularly the VideoID and Migration sections)


International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, "The
Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation
Strategy," December 2005,










Rhonda S. Filipan

Academic Program Coordinator

School of Library and Information Science

Kent State University



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