[OPLINLIST] Used library equipment available

Ashlee Clark Aclark at sloma.state.oh.us
Thu Nov 20 12:41:59 EST 2008

Marietta College Library is preparing to move into a new facility in
December.  As a result, they will have some used library equipment
available for free to non-profit organizations, except for the book drop
which is still pretty new and is for sale.  Items are not available for
pick-up until after January 5, 2009.


Stainless Steel Book Drop.  Dimensions: 24" wide x 24" deep x 54" high

3-M Detection System Model 2302BP.  36" double aisle.

Library shelving:

*	526 sections double-sided cantilevered steel shelving - shelf
depth: 9 inches (actual), base depth: 24 inches, upright height: 90
inches, color: light green. 
*	686 sections double-sided cantilevered steel shelving - shelf
depth: 7 inches (actual), base depth: 20.5 inches, upright height: 90
inches, color: tan. 
*	24 sections double-sided cantilevered steel shelving - shelf
depth: 12 inches (actual), base depth: 33 inches, upright height: 90
inches, color: tan. 

The metal shelving was manufactured by Remington-Rand (= Kardex) and
dates from 1961 and later and is in reasonably good condition.  The
shelving is available on a first-some-first-served basis, so quantities
available may be less than stated above.  All metal shelving must be
removed by Friday, January 30.  

*	12 sections double-sided wood periodical shelving - slanted

All disassembly and shipping will be the responsibility of the

Contact information:

Douglas Anderson
Director of the Library
Marietta College
nda001 at marietta.edu

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