[OPLINLIST] emergency evacuation plans

Ed Rossman erossman74 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 13 11:50:28 EDT 2008

Hi Maria,

Kent State Adjunct Miriam Kahn has published  a great book entitled “The Library Security and Safety Guide”. In it, she has a section (p.17) on Handicapped evacuation. She lists 3 companies that sell equipment that can aid in getting wheel chairs patrons down stairs: Lifeslider.com, Evac-Trac by Garaventa and Pollock Lifts.  

At a previous library we had no such equipment, but during alarms we positioned the patron to the stairwell closest to where the firemen would be coming in, had 2-3 staff members wait with them just in case, and let the firemen  handle the evac. Luckily these were always false alarms. 

I saw the firemen struggling with a mechanized wheelchair; I'm sure if it had been a real fire they would've done a fireman's carry, leaving the chair behind.

Apologies if this is redundant advice, I use digest mode :-)

Ed Rossman
Shaker Heights Public Library


The Flesh Public Library is moving to a new building with multiple floors.
We have never needed to have an emergency evacuation plan involving
multiple floors and were wondering how other libraries have handled
evacuating patrons with disabilities without use of elevators.

Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Maria Vega
Flesh Public Library
Piqua Ohio


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