Ed Rossman erossman74 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 2 19:06:12 EDT 2009


In my book, “Castles Against Ignorance”, I have several chapters dealing with the morale dilemma and the issues raised in the recent New York Times article. This chapter here, on Camaraderie, focuses on Rachelle’s staff issue, beginning with one fun and healthy tactic…food days! The chapter begins with a true description of the night and day after 9/11, and how coincidentally Lakewood Library had scheduled its annual Fall potluck on that day, and how it helped us through that scary time. 


It then focuses on several morale issues, especially the challenge faced with a multi-generational work force. My solution, installing pride! I believe recognition, responsibility, and reason are approaches to instilling pride that all the generational groups can be nurtured with.  From the book:

The three R's:

Recognition - your creativity, problem solving, heroism. These things have to be highlighted, broadcast through the organization as well as the community.

Responsibility - your role, your contribution, your duty. Understanding of what happens when things go right, as well as when things go wrong.

Reason - our mission, why we are here. The impact on our community, our culture, the future of the world as we shepherd minds through the stacks. 

Promoting work-place pride is a technique that will lead to making libraries solid educational environments. Like a propeller pulls a plane. 

Any questions or interest in staff day talks, I’ve done several throughout the state, drop me a line off list.

Keep fighting the good fight,
Ed Rossman


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