[OPLINLIST] Getting Graphic! Using Graphic Novels to Promote Literacy in Your Library! Graphic Novels for Teens (Ages 12-18) and Children (Ages 5 - 11)

SWON Libraries info at swonlibraries.org
Fri Apr 10 10:28:53 EDT 2009

*This announcement has been posted to several lists.  Our apologies for 
any duplication.

    Getting Graphic! Using Graphic Novels to Promote Literacy in Your


<http://www.swonlibraries.org/viewevent?id=1609>*Morning Session  - 
Graphic Novels for Ages 12-18*
Date: Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Register: http://www.swonlibraries.org/viewevent?id=1607

*Afternoon Session - Graphic Novels for Ages 5-11*
Date: Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Register: http://www.swonlibraries.org/viewevent?id=1608

*Discount for Attending both sessions!
*Register*: *http://www.swonlibraries.org/viewevent?id=1609


SWON Libraries Office


Michele Gorman is the Teen Services Coordinator for the Public Library 
of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County in Charlotte NC. In addition to her 
job as the Teen Services Manager, Michele serves on the YALSA (Young 
Adult Library Services Association) Board of Directors and is a 
freelance writer and renowned national speaker, certified by YALSA as a 
Serving the Underserved Trainer. She is the Getting Graphic Columnist 
for Library Media Connection and a Teenage Riot columnist for School 
Library Journal. Michele's books include Getting Graphic! Comics for 
Kids, Getting Graphic! Using Graphic Novels to Promote Literacy with 
Preteens and Teens, and Connecting Young Adults and Libraries: A How to 
Do It Manual, 3rd Edition


In the afternoon we will address the popularity of graphic novels for 
younger readers being on the rise, with new books being published 
everyday in a comic format. From comic biographies to graphic novels 
about science and math - this format is about to explode with new and 
exciting titles for students in elementary. This afternoon workshop will 
be specifically tailored to meet the needs of librarians serving 
children who want to know more about this format, including why it's so 
important to add these books to every elementary library collection, how 
these books contribute to literacy, and the role these books can play in 
the classroom! The content in this workshop will also likely be of 
interest to Elementary teachers and administrators looking for new ways 
to engage young students with alternative reading formats.


* Attendees will be learn more about the graphic novel format, including 
how graphic novels differ from traditional print materials and why they 
are so popular with young readers.
* Attendees will take an in-depth look at the development of the graphic 
novel as a legitimate format and the role that they can play in the 
school library, including literary value, and the special appeal this 
format has for new readers, readers transitioning from picture books to 
chapter books, reluctant readers, visual learners, and ESL Students
* Attendees will find out more about how graphic novels and comic books 
address multiple literacies, including visual literacy (decoding and 
comprehending meaning form pictures and text together) and critical 
literacy (or the role of the reader when it comes to the transaction 
between the reader and the text; readers being active consumers of the story
* Attendees will receive a primer lesson about manga (Japanese animation 
in print form)
* Attendees will have a chance to ask presenter questions about 
selecting and circulating graphic novels for elementary-aged students


Snacks will be provided.


The deadline to register is Friday, May 22nd, 2009

    * *Contributing Member of SWON Libraries*
    * *Contributing Member of SWON Libraries* - *Attending Both Session*
    * *Contributing Member of NEO-RLS, NORWELD, or SERLS*
    * *Other*
      $80 **

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