[OPLINLIST] OPLIN about:books

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Tue Apr 21 13:35:07 EDT 2009

As we approach the end of the OPLIN subscription to NoveList (June 30),
we want to remind you of the about:books information tool OPLIN is now
providing, and announce that we have moved it to its own domain ---
http://aboutbooks.info -- to make it easier to find.

about:books uses a customized Google engine to search for authors,
titles, subjects... anything about books. Use it to find books, to get
background information about books and authors, to see reader reviews and
suggestions for similar reading, to get series information, to preview
books, and even to find books in WorldCat libraries.

If you have a Facebook page, you can add about:books as an application
(http://apps.facebook.com/aboutbooks). If you want to add about:books to
your website, just follow the instructions at



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