[OPLINLIST] [OPLINTECH] Road Runner in Libraries

Bob Neeper neeperro at oplin.org
Wed Jan 13 09:26:44 EST 2010

I'm certain others have better thoughts but possibly some network 
changes would help.
Possibly just looking at the internal traffic to see what's going on.
Maybe adding some sort of throttling control.
We also had a company in a few years ago to test all the cable runs for 
100 Mbps compatibility.

I don't know our T1 usage or the amount of equipment at your library, 
but for comparison.

Community Library has:
 14 patron desktops /PACS
 16 staff desktops or laptops
 1 host server running 9 virtual servers / firewall / console desktop /etc
 2 wireless access points for patron laptops

The last few months of 2009 we were had a very large PC use, including 
wireless, but the general response was still good.
At times all 14 were used plus 4 to 6 on the wireless, with only a very 
occasional complaint.

However, I can immediately generate complaints by transferring extremely 
large files, using the host.
But that's understandable.

Chad ( Level 9 Networks ) did 2 things early last year that greatly 
improved our network.
  1) Setup hyper threading on the host server, which vastly boosted it's 
  2) Installed Update Accelerator to our firewall, to cache updates for 
MS, Adobe, Symantec, Linux, etc.
     A 10gb cache has served 185gb internally to reduce T1 traffic.

We also use DeepFreeze which keeps down any inadvertent bad s/w.

We are also planning to replace all patron PC's, upgrade switches and 
segregate the patron /wireless from staff, but not for any speed issue.
Newer PC's will provide a perceived better response.
10 of the patron PC's are 2002 vintage.


R. W. (Bob) Neeper
Community Library
44 Burrer Dr.
Sunbury, Oh 43074
Tel:  (740)-965-3901

Mike Hensel wrote:
> OPLIN Libraries:
> London is looking at putting TW Road Runner in place as a secondary 
> Internet line to help with congestion problems during peak hours.  Is 
> your library using RR and how is it working in conjunction with your 
> OPLIN T1?  Plus, what is your monthly costs?
> We have some other questions about splitting the network for those 
> that have already put road runner in place, but I'll reserve those 
> questions for individuals that respond.
> Thanks,
> Mike Hensel
> Youth Services Librarian, MLIS
> London Public Library
> 20 E. First Street
> London, OH 43140
> www.mylondonlibrary.org
> 740-852-9543
> Mobile 614-325-1429
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