[OPLINLIST] by-laws

Rachelle Miller rmiller at tmcpl.org
Mon Mar 1 12:24:59 EST 2010

Here are the responses I received for board member participation. As an
FYI, the only way to remove a board member legally is a Bill of
Impeachment in the legislature, per Lynda Murray.


"Failure of a member of the Board to attend three consecutive meetings
shall be deemed a tender of his/her resignation from the Board unless
his/her absence is excused by said Board."


Our policy states that board member's absence from three regular
meetings shall constitute his/her resignation unless medically


Our board members can only miss three meetings a year with out good
cause. Then they are spoken to by the Board President and action can be
taken. This has never happened.


1.2.10 Quorum

Five members shall constitute a quorum.  Any member who misses three
consecutive meetings without due cause may be approached regarding
possible resignation.


If a Board member misses three consecutive meetings or five or more
meetings in one year, removal from the Board may be recommended to the
school board.


We attempted to do this many years ago and were told, that basically, it
doesn't matter what rules or by-laws you have in regards to attendance,
the law is the law, and this is all detailed in ORC.  I don't know if
that has changed. Lynda Murray would probably know.


Any member of the Board who is absent without being excused by the
President, from three (3) consecutive meetings or a total of five (5)
meetings in any calendar year may be asked by the President to resign
from the Board. 



Rachelle Miller, Director

Troy-Miami County Public Library

419 W. Main St.

Troy, Ohio 45373

937.339.0502 ext. 16



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