[OPLINLIST] Ohio State Parks SRP incentive, & related info

Janet Ingraham Dwyer jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Wed Mar 17 10:50:22 EDT 2010

Please excuse multiple postings.


Dear colleagues,


I'm pleased to announce that the Ohio Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Parks and Recreation, in partnership with the State Library,
will support Ohio libraries' 2010 Summer Reading Programs with a special


At your library's discretion, any young person ages 0-18 may receive a
certificate for 50% off Sunday-Wednesday camping or getaway rentals at
Ohio State Parks upon completing your SRP.  Some restrictions apply.
Please review the instructions on the certificate.  The certificate is
available for download on WebJunction Ohio at:

http://oh.webjunction.org/ohsumread (click on Documents tab) or 

http://oh.webjunction.org/ohsumread/-/articles/content/93600789 (direct


Please photocopy the certificate on green paper.  When you hand it out
this summer: complete the participant's name, your library's name, and
the date in non-black ink.  This will assure State Parks employees that
the certificate is original.  Failure to do this may result in kids
being turned away, so prevent disappointment by copying & completing the
certificate as requested.


This certificate may be distributed by any public library in Ohio that
is offering a children's and/or teen SRP.



Also, as previously announced, the Ohio State Fair is once again
supporting libraries' Summer Reading Programs, with a coupon for $4 off
admission to the 2010 State Fair for any 5-12 year old who has completed
a local library's SRP.  The State Fair coupon is also available on
WebJunction Ohio, http://oh.webjunction.org/ohsumread (click on
Documents tab).  Please photocopy this coupon on yellow paper.  Any Ohio
public library may distribute the Ohio State Fair coupon in conjunction
with its SRP.  



If you wish, you may distribute both the State Fair and State Parks
incentives to your SRP "completers".


Libraries distributing either or both of these incentives will be asked
to report the number of certificates/coupons distributed.  Plan to track
your library's distribution, so the State Library can report back to
ODNR and the Ohio State Fair.



Finally, I encourage you to consider participating in ODNR's Explore the
Outdoors program, by distributing the Explore the Outdoors booklet to
children and teens using your library.  Children and teens who register
for Explore the Outdoors at a public library are eligible for special
prizes upon completion of the ODNR program.  Details are in the letter
from State Library and ODNR sent to this list on 3/9/10.  If you don't
have that email, you may review the letter at (you guessed it!)
WebJunction Ohio, same link as above
(http://oh.webjunction.org/ohsumread - Documents tab) or directly at:




Please contact me with any questions.  Thank you.




Janet Ingraham Dwyer 
Library Consultant 
State Library of Ohio 
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov 



The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.


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