[OPLINLIST] Saving Our Libraries One Grant at a Time - ALAO SSIG Workshop

Deberah England deberah.england at wright.edu
Tue Mar 16 14:37:20 EDT 2010

Posted on behalf of Kathy Burns and ALAO's Support Staff Interest Group.
ALAO-SSIG is presenting **Saving Our Libraries One Grant at a Time*.* A 
face-to-face grant writing workshop. May 14, 2010 from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.  
at OhioNet. Becky Cropper will be presenting. She has had grant funding 
in the range of $100,000 since 1987. The grants have been from private 
foundations, United Way and government grants used for a variety of 
educational programs.
As our budgets keep getting smaller SSIG had decided we need to help 
find ways to supplement those budgets. Therefore we have decided to 
offer this course. Space will be limited so register early. Please find 
attached the workshop registration form. If you need more information 
please email Mary Ayres at mayres at sscc.edu <mailto:mayres at sscc.edu> or 
Kathy Burns at kburns at sscc.edu <mailto:kburns at sscc.edu>
We look forward to seeing you there,

Kathy Burns
Southern State Community College
Learning Resource Center
DRC Coordinator 

Deberah England
Electronic Resources Librarian
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Phone: 937.775.2224
Fax:  937. 775.2481
Email:  deberah.england at wright.edu

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