[OPLINLIST] Training for everyone in the Library--Nov. 12th

Melissa R. Lattanzi melissa.lattanzi at neo-rls.org
Wed Nov 3 14:47:27 EDT 2010

A Day for All Staff:
Customer Service, Working with Teens, Change, and So Much More


Date:  Friday, November 12th
Time:  9:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: Lakeland Community College
Cost:  $40 for members of regional library systems

            $80 for non-members


Program Description:
Keynote: Kordell Norton
The Glass IS Full: The Future of Customer Service...and Why You Should
Understaffed, too many hours, demanding patrons, an expanding collection
to support and the list goes on. The Library today is a different place
than it was . . . just fifteen minutes ago. In this interactive and
entertaining session come and get hands-on insights on working with
today's Library Patron. You will:

*	Learn the 3 Solution Steps that should be part of EVERY customer
service issue. 
*	Find ways to connect with great Patrons and those who are a
little more "difficult" as well. High energy and fast paced, this
session will travel into the challenges of today and the problems of the
future that Libraries are just starting to face. 

Emerging Technologies Presented by Shawn Walsh
Looking for info on the latest techno-trends for patrons but you don't
want to be overwhelmed by too many techie details? Come join Shawn
Walsh, for a discussion and a friendly show and tell program where you
can learn about what's in and what's out in the world of technology 

Breakout Session I 

Navigating the Rapids of Change: Presented by Chris Powers
Participants will learn strategies for helping themselves, as well as
others, through change. During this session, participants will have the
opportunity to explore the dynamics of change, and be able to identify
the characteristics of and actions they can take for each phase of the
change process. This course helps participants to acquire the confidence
and skills needed to face change and welcome it as an opportunity to
respond appropriately and to stay the course. 

Give Yourself PATS (Positive Approaches to Teen Service) on the Back:
Presented by Mary Arnold
You'll deserve them for delivering Positive Approaches to Teen Service.
Teen customers represent 25% of the people walking through your doors,
and planning for excellent service is not only important for your
library, but reduces stress--everybody's! We'll look at today's
teens--the who, what, when, where and why of developmental
characteristics that influence behaviors, 21st century tween/teen social
milieu and the library as the geography of "yes" (yes, we are a
community gathering place for all customers!), and empowering staff to
build relationships with teen customers and advocate for equitable (and
enjoyable) library services for this age group. 

OPERS Update:
Most recently, on Nov. 18, the OPERS Board recommended to the
legislature a series of changes to benefits designed to strengthen the
pension system and with the added goal of maintaining adequate funding
for health care. Depending on legislative implementation, the
recommended changes to benefits will build on past actions by the Board
to prepare for longer life expectancies of retirees, to encourage member
engagement in their retirement planning and to correct inequities
resulting from benefit subsidization. 

Breakout Session II 

Strategies for Resolving Workplace Conflict:  Presented by Chris Powers
Few things cause as much stress as resolving conflict between
individuals we work with and share space with. Even with the best
intentions, you may have different opinions and varying viewpoints from
others. This session provides you the tools for conflict resolution
where everyone can be a winner! 

Give Yourself PATS (Positive Approaches to Teen Service) on the

OPERS Update:(repeated) 

Closing Keynote: Presented by Susan Pyles
9 Is For New Ways of Thinking 
A colleague of mine often poses this question& 'Do you have 10 years of
experience or 1 year of experience repeated 9 times?' As we prepare to
close out one year and start the next, we must ask yourselves &how will
I make next year different? Better? The best way to change the output
(what shows up in our lives at work and at home) is to change the input
(how we operate at work and at home). In this workshop, we will take a
closer look at why we do the things we do. We will learn how to drop
old, bad habits and pick up new, good ones. 

This program is co-sponsored with the Nonprofit Center of Lakeland
Community College. 

Click here for more information and to register:




Melissa Lattanzi, Senior Continuing Education Specialist
lattanzm at neo-rls.org <mailto:lattanzm at neo-rls.org> 

Northeast Ohio Regional Library System

4445 Mahoning Ave. NW

Warren, OH 44483

330-847-7744 ext. 12

http://saveohiolibraries.com/ <http://saveohiolibraries.com/> 



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