[OPLINLIST] Copyright Notice
fbaer at twinsburglibrary.org
Wed Nov 10 13:07:25 EST 2010
Here's the copyright notice Twinsburg uses:
The Copyright Act of 1976, Title 17, Sections 1001-1201, prohibits copying
of library DVDs and CDs. This includes transferring these materials to
file formats intended for portable players, including mp3 players. Also
prohibited is the burning to CD of materials downloaded through CLEVNETs
Overdrive service.
We also have the following available for background information for staff:
The Twinsburg Public Library lends materials under first-sale doctrine of
U.S. copyright law (Copyright Act of 1976, Title 17 Section 109).
Certain areas of copyright law notably the Audio Home Recording Act of
1992 (Copyright Act of 1976, Title 17, Sections 1001-1010) allow the
creation of copies of some materials for personal use. These exceptions
require the person making such a copy to legally own the work in question,
though. Items checked out are merely lent to cardholders; ownership is
retained by the library. Moreover, newer devices and technologies like CD
burners and mp3 files may not fall under the protections of Section 1008
of AHRA.
In 2007, the Recording Industrys Association of America argued in court
that any transfer of music from a CD, legally owned or not, to another
file format such as mp3 constitutes piracy. Courts have yet to decide on
that. What is clear is that customers ripping library CDs to mp3 format
for their own use are in violation of at least one, and likely several,
sections of U.S. copyright law and are at risk of being sued by the RIAA.
Where downloaded books and music via CLEVNETs Overdrive service are
concerned, there is an additional section of law that applies. The Digital
Millennium Copyright Act (Copyright Act of 1976, title 17, Section 1201)
prohibits the circumvention of anti-piracy protection technology, even by
those who own the material in question. This technology is part of the
Overdrive service, and is also a part of the specifications of DVDs and
Blu-Ray discs.
Thats a lot of legalese to wrestle with, so heres the summary: It is in
violation of U.S. copyright law to copy or rip library CDs or DVDs, or to
burn Overdrive materials to disc.
> Does anyone have a notice template that warns public about copying or
> downloading copyrighted materials?
> Harold Showalter, Executive Director
> Adams County Public Library
> 157 High Street
> Peebles, Ohio 45660
> 937-587-2085 (voice)
> 937-587-5043 (fax)
> showalha at oplin.org (email)
> <http://www.adamsco.lib.oh.us> http://www.adamsco.lib.oh.us (website)
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