[OPLINLIST] Library Card App

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Thu Feb 3 15:13:57 EST 2011

Hopefully someone else can give you some first-hand experience, but 
fwiw, I do seem to recall that when these apps first hit the media, it 
was reported that it seemed to be hit or miss as to whether or not the 
system worked. The issue in this case seemed to be related to the 
scanners that were being used. Some work; some don't. Frankly, I was 
somewhat surprised that it worked at all with any scanner considering 
that scanners are designed to work from light reflected off a printed 
material (ie. paper), not light projected/reflected from a displayed 
image. I do wish sometimes that I could scan a barcode displayed on my 
LCD. That would come in useful occasionally in my workflow. (Tried it; 
doesn't work with my laser barcode scanner and my "standard-issue" Acer 
LCD. :-) )

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

/Full LAN/WAN consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and schools/

On 2/3/2011 1:20 PM, Debra Wittkop wrote:
> CardStar is a mobile application that scans all membership cards and 
> stores them on your smartphone/ipod.  I was trying to use it with our 
> library cards, but after getting them input manually by typing in the 
> numbers, the barcodes will not scan.  Any libraries out there have any 
> luck with this?  There is a tutorial online from a library in Illinois 
> for their patrons (so someone has gotten it to work) and many Ohio 
> libraries are listed as "Merchants" on the CardStar app as location.  
> I was wondering if it was our scanners perhaps that are the problem or 
> the library cards (maybe we need to explore other vendors?) as I can't 
> get them to be entered in through camera mode.
> I have also tried one called "Key Ring" with the same results.
> Any advice or input is appreciated!
> Debbie Wittkop
> Circulation Services Librarian
> Southwest Public Libraries
> Grove City Public Library
> 3359 Park Street
> Grove City, OH 43123
> 614.875.6716 x134
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