[OPLINLIST] Hold the Date! Author Panel in Medina County

Kym Lucas lucas at mcdl.info
Mon Mar 21 15:16:45 EDT 2011

Hold the date!

World Building for Writers - 20 August 2011


Don't miss out on Buckeye Library's third annual author event! 


World Building for Writers

Sat. Aug. 20, 11:30 am-1:00 pm

Join writers Carla Buckley (The Things That Keep Us Here), Susan Gee
Heino (Damsel in Disguise), Craig McDonald (Head Games), and Linda
Robertson (Arcane Circle) as they share their methods of creating
realistic settings for their books. Bring your questions, and come
prepared to learn! Copies of the authors' books will be available for
purchase and signing. 


This free program will take place at the Buckeye Library, 6625 Wolff
Road, Medina, Ohio. This event has been funded through the generosity of
the Friends of the Buckeye Library. To register, please call


For more information on each of our featured authors, check out their


Linda Robertson: http://www.authorlindarobertson.com/ 


Craig McDonald: http://www.craigmcdonaldbooks.com/ 


Susan Gee Heino: http://www.susangh.com/ 


Carla Buckley: http://www.carlabuckley.com/ 


Permission to forward to writing-related listservs and groups granted. 



Kym Lucas
Branch Manager
Buckeye Library
Medina County District Library

(330) 725-4415 2501

(330) 722-4548 Fax


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