[OPLINLIST] FW: [aladnow] Your Library Can Win $3000 in Teen Contest!

Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela phs at akronlibrary.org
Wed Mar 30 11:41:45 EDT 2011

From ALA…


Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA and 

Deputy Director

Akron-Summit County Public Library

60 S. High Street

Akron, OH  44326


Phone 330.643.9102          Fax 330.643.9160


phs at akronlibrary.org         www.akronlibrary.org <http://www.akronlibrary.org>  


Recognized, again, as one of America's Best Libraries ««««« <http://www.akronlibrary.org/5star.html> 


The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life.


From: Marci Merola [mailto:mmerola at ala.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 6:40 PM
To: aladnow at ala.org; advocomm at ala.org; advotrain at ala.org
Subject: [aladnow] Your Library Can Win $3000 in Teen Contest!


Dear Colleagues,

As a former attendee of an ALA Advocacy Institute, you know that “advocacy” is defined as turning passive support into action. Through a new video contest sponsored by the American Library Association, now is the time to turn the connection that teens have for their library into a definitive action.

The Why I Need My Library video contest asks teens to create short, original videos on why they think libraries are needed now more than ever.  

There’s still plenty of time to enter, and cash prizes are waiting for the winners’ libraries.  There is a total of $20,000 in prizes available, with $3,000 going to each of two grand-prize winners’ libraries.  

ALA’s advocacy website, ilovelibraries.org (http://bit.ly/dN5KBI) has a sample flier to help spread the word about the contest, as well as tips and resources on engaging teens and making videos.  Also featured are videos from teens at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library that speak directly to teens about why they should enter.  Please share the videos on your library’s website or blog or share with teens or colleagues you think might be interested in the contest.

Sponsored by ALA President Roberta Stevens, Why I Need My Library places engagement with young library advocates as a priority for her presidential year.  Please join us in spreading the word.  If you work with teens at your library, please encourage them to submit an entry.  The deadline is April 18.  

Thank you for staying engaged in library advocacy.


Marci Merola


Marci Merola, Director

Office for Library Advocacy

American Library Association

50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL, 60611

312.280.2431; 800.545.2433, x2431

mmerola at ala.org 

Visit www.ilovelibraries.org 


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