[OPLINLIST] Literacy Book Bundles...

Laura Lee Wilson lwilson at holmeslib.org
Sat Oct 29 13:32:24 EDT 2011


I have made similar bags at both Loudonville and Holmes County.  I use the
Demco mesh bags and place realia in the bags that relates to at least one of
the books.  I have some with parent tips and others without - I have NEVER
received feedback either way.  Except for preschool teachers, I honestly, I
think the bags are checked out to play with and not necessarily for the
educational component (with a parent).  BUT, I still think they are useful
tools for the child in gaining literacy skills and enjoying books.

At HCDPL and LPL, I had the TS Dept make one record for the whole bag and
placed the same barcode number on each item (which also helps reunite those
items that will inevitably get separated).

As for realia, it is best to include items that are self-contained with no
more than 3 pieces.  Circulation does not like counting the items (ie: 26
magnetic letters, puzzles, flashcards, etc.), and they rarely stay together
for more than a few circs.  Also, include a content card with each bag,
parents and circ staff will thank you.

As an aside, I wanted the magnetic letters, but compromised by making
alphabet cards using Microsoft Word, laminated them, punched holes in the
corner and threaded a cord through the cards.

I wish you well in the grant process; the kiddos will love "Literacy Book
Bundles"  ~LLW

Laura Lee Wilson
lwilson at holmeslib.org
Coordinator of Branch and Children's Services
Holmes County District Public Library
3102 Glen Drive
Millersburg, OH 44654
PH: 330-674-5972 ext 210
FX: 330-674-1938

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On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Barb Scott <barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com>wrote:

>   Hello!
> We are pulling together information in order to write a grant for some
> upcoming United Way funding in our community.  I have the idea of putting
> together "Literacy Book Bundles" that will be 5-6 books available for check
> out in a bag.  They will be on the topics of Oral Language Development,
> Rhyme and Repetition, Phonemics/Phonological Awareness, Alphabet, Concepts
> of Print, Vocabulary Development, Wordless Stories, and Basic Concepts.  I
> am hoping through the grant to purchase 2 copies of each book and be able to
> circulate 16 bags.
> If you do something similar, what else do you include in the bags?  A sheet
> for parents explaining the literacy concept that the bag works with?  Do you
> include realia as well?  That thought occurred to me today...perhaps a
> puppet or some other piece of realia should be in each bag.
> Another question that I thought is if you do this type of bundle, do you
> circulate the bag as one item, or are the books in the bundle individually
> checked out?
> Would appreciate anybody's wisdom/insight/ideas on this.
> TIA!
> *Barbara Scott, Children's Librarian*
> *Bucyrus Public Library*
> *200 East Mansfield Street*
> *Bucyrus, OH  44820*
> *419-562-7327 x 104*
> *www.childrensprogramming.blogspot.com*
> *Author of 1,000 Fingerplays and Action Rhymes:  A Sourcebook and DVD*
> *www.neal-schuman.com/far*
> *Coming in 2012:  Ready-To-Go Holiday Storytimes*
> *www.neal-schuman.com/rtghs*
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