[OPLINLIST] Spring Membership Meeting 2012

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Fri Apr 20 13:13:27 EDT 2012

SWON's Spring Membership Meeting is right around the corner: May 9, 2012 
This even is open to all staff at libraries in southwest Ohio and northern Kentucky! We'll eat a great lunch together and hear Sue Polanka speak. Sue is an expert on e-books in libraries. You can also take advantage of the time to have your Special Interest Group meeting, network with your community, and learn something new! 

10:00 - 12:00 SIG Meetings (Schools and others TBD) 
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (with vegetarian options) 
1:00 - 1:45 Speaker: Sue Polanka, nationally recognized expert on e-books and blogger at " No Shelf Required " 
1:45 - 2:00 Break 
2:00 - 3:30 Membership Meeting 

Location: Oscar Event Center at Jungle Jim's, Fairfield OH 

Registration Ends: 5/4/2012 at 12:00 AM 

Other Information: 
Sue Polanka is head of reference and instruction at the Wright State University Libraries. She has provided reference and instruction services in public, state and academic libraries for nearly 20 years. Her passion for reference and electronic resources spawned her e-book blog, No Shelf Required , a discussion of e-books for librarians and publishers. She is chair of Booklist's Reference Books Bulletin (RBB) Advisory Board and maintains her column, Off The Shelf, for RBB. Sue is a frequent contributor to Booklist and presents at many state and national conferences, usually on her favorite topic - e-books. 

Cost is $25.00. 
You may pay by check, made out to SWON Libraries 
or you may call and pay by credit card: 
Please see address and Phone Number Below 
If you need an invoice, please write to Dorothy at swonlibraries.org. 

Contact: Dorothy Sinclair 

Presenter: Sue Polanka 

Link: Membership Meeting 

Dorothy A Sinclair 
Office Manager 
SWON Libraries Consortium 
10901 Reed Hartman Hwy 
Suite 120 
Cincinnati, OH 45242 

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