[OPLINLIST] SRP updates: State Parks and State Fair incentives, "Dream Big - Read!" video PSA

Janet Ingraham Dwyer jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Fri Apr 20 14:02:58 EDT 2012

Cross-posted from the Library Youth Services list.  Please excuse duplication.



Here are several resources that may be helpful to you as you count down to your 2012 summer reading program.


The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation, is again providing a discount coupon for camping at the State Parks, as an incentive to support public library summer reading programs.  This is the third year ODNR has offered this incentive.


At your library's discretion, any library user of any age may receive a certificate for 50% off Sunday-Wednesday camping or getaway rentals at Ohio State Parks as an SRP incentive.  Some restrictions apply.  Please carefully review the instructions on the certificate.  State Parks staff have been advised that the certificates may be redeemed starting in early June, and they are good through October.  


The download location of the State Parks certificate has changed from previous years.  Download it here:

http://library.ohio.gov/sites/default/files/state_parks_2012.pdf (Adobe PDF file)

Please do not share this link or the electronic file with anyone outside the Ohio public library community.  


The certificates print 2 per page.  Please copy them onto light blue paper (standard blue copier paper).  State Parks employees will only accept certificates on blue paper.  You may write your library name onto your master before copying for distribution, then just date each certificate as you give it out to your SRP participants.


Libraries distributing this incentive will be asked to report the number of certificates distributed.  Plan to track your library's distribution, so the State Library can report back to ODNR.  Thank you.





Also a reminder that the Ohio State Fair and Expo Center is once again supporting Ohio libraries' summer reading programs by offering a $4 discount coupon as an SRP incentive.  


The Ohio State Fair has increased the eligible age range for the coupon.  You may distribute it to any SRP participant aged 5-14 (State Fair admission is free for children under age 5).  It is good for $4 off general admission. For 5-12 year olds, this is ½ off the regular admission price of $8.  For 13 and 14 year olds, this is 40% off the regular admission price of $10.


The download location of the State Fair coupon has also changed from previous years.  Download it here:

http://library.ohio.gov/sites/default/files/state_fair_2012.pdf  (Adobe PDF file)

Please do not share this link or the electronic file with anyone outside the Ohio public library community.  


If distributing the coupon, make your copies on standard green copier paper.   State Fair employees will only accept green State Fair SRP coupons at the gate.


As with the State Parks certificate, libraries distributing this incentive will be asked to report the number of coupons distributed. 


Please note that the State Fair will run from July 25 - August 5 this year.  More info is at http://www.ohiostatefair.com/.


The State Parks and State Fair incentives and all statewide SRP resources are available to all Ohio public libraries, regardless of whether you use the collaborative theme or your own theme. 





The Collaborative Summer Library Program video PSA (public service announcement) for the "Dream Big - Read!" program is now available for viewing and download at the CSLP website:


You need to be logged in to the CSLP website to access this page.  Any public library staff member may register on the CSLP website.  Click on "Register" and complete the form.  Your registration will have to be confirmed by CSLP, so it's not instant access.  CSLP will notify you of your approved registration.  They're pretty quick.  Let me know if you experience any difficulties or have any questions.


To embed the PSA on your library website, blog, etc., just right-click on the video on the above page and select "Copy embed html".  You may then paste the code into your website's source code.  To link to it from your Facebook page, etc., you may use the YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvhlF-OjCdk.  


CSLP has also made the "Dream Big READ" PSA (in both Spanish and English) available as downloads for TV broadcast. Public libraries may send the links found on the CSLP website to broadcasting stations that accept digital video files for broadcast.  Please do not send the link to the CSLP site (http://www.cslpreads.org/psas.html).  Rather, copy the links you see on that page, to email to your broadcasting stations.  I have sent the PSA to Ohio Government TV/Ohio Channel, which has been very supportive in running the CSLP PSAs in the past.


The PSA is also available for purchase from Upstart in several physical formats: VHS, VHS loop, DVD, DVC-Pro, DigiBeta.  These should be added soon to the Upstart online catalog, available through the CSLP website.  If you wish to purchase the PSA in any of these formats and cannot find them on the Upstart/CSLP online catalog, let me know.  Each of the Regional Library Systems also has one copy of the PSA on DVD available for libraries to borrow.





Janet Ingraham Dwyer 
Library Consultant 
State Library of Ohio 
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov <mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>  

http://library.ohio.gov <http://library.ohio.gov/> 

http://library.ohio.gov/youthservices <http://library.ohio.gov/youthservices>  

The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.


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