[OPLINLIST] FW: 11, 246 Signatures Still Needed: We Have to Reach 25, 000 Signatures!

Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela pstevenson at akronlibrary.org
Mon Jan 23 13:56:20 EST 2012

Hello Ohio!

Please consider signing an online petition that calls for every school child to have access to an effective school library program.

This issue is getting a lot of attention here at the ALA Midwinter Conference; I hope Ohio library staff can play a role in getting the number of signatures needed to send this petition on to the White House staff for review.

Thanks for your consideration!


Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA

Deputy Director

Akron-Summit County Public Library

60 South High St.

Akron, OH   44326


From: Don Wood [dwood at ala.org]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:36 AM
To: chapcoun at ala.org
Subject: [chapcoun] 11,246 Signatures Still Needed: We Have to Reach 25,000 Signatures!

January 23, 2012

Thanks! You helped gain another 3,194 signatures since yesterday!

We need only an additional 11,246 signatures so this petition can reach the President’s Desk! (The White House Petition for School Libraries<https://owa.ala.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://wh.gov/Wgd> . A total of 25,000 signatures is needed.)


For background information, see below:

Carl Harvey, 2011-2012 AASL president, has initiated a White House petition on school libraries, which specifically petitions the Obama administration to “ensure that every child in America has access to an effective school library program.” 25,000 signatures are required in order for this petition to be viewed by White House staff, no later than February 4, 2012.
Please take a few seconds to sign this petition, spread the word to your member groups, ask your colleagues and library supporters in your circles to sign on, and spread the word via Facebook, Twitter and other channels!
The url is: http://wh.gov/Wgd .

A few things of note:

•         We’ve heard that the petition software is temperamental. If you cannot sign in on your  first attempt, please log out and log back in. Or, try a different web browser, or as a last resort, try a different computer.

•         This petition should not be confused with a petition begun in 2011.

•         White House petitions must be authored by individuals, not any association. Therefore, Carl has introduced this petition as an individual, not as a representative of AASL or ALA.

Thank you,

Marci Merola

Marci Merola, Director
Office for Library Advocacy
American Library Association
50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL, 60611
312.280.2431; 800.545.2433, x2431
mmerola at ala.org<mailto:mmerola at ala.org>
Visit www.ilovelibraries.org

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