[OPLINLIST] Reminder: eRate Form 486
Knapp, Mandy
aknapp at library.ohio.gov
Tue Jun 11 10:07:23 EDT 2013
Hello all,
I thought some of you might find the following information from USAC helpful.
USAC has begun issuing FCDLs (Funding Commitment Decision Letters) for FY2013 (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014). Applicants should be preparing for the next steps in the application process.
* If services have started, applicants should be getting ready to file FCC Form 486<http://www.usac.org/_res/documents/sl/pdf/forms/486.PDF>, Receipt of Service Confirmation Form.
After applicants receive a funding commitment from USAC and services have started for that funding year, applicants can file FCC Form 486 to accomplish the following:
* To notify USAC that services have started.
* To authorize the payment of invoices for those services.
* To indicate the approval of technology plan(s) - if they are required - by the State Library of Ohio for the entities that will receive discounted services. (Remember that, starting with FY2011, technology plans are not required for Priority 1 services.)
* To certify the status of compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) for the entities that will receive discounted services.
Remember that when you file FCC Form 486, you are providing information about and certifying compliance with program rules relating to technology planning and CIPA.
To read the full news brief go to: http://www.universalservice.org/sl/tools/news-briefs/preview.aspx?id=491
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Mandy Knapp
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-466-1710
Toll Free:800-686-1532 (Ohio Only)
Fax: 614-466-3584
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