[OPLINLIST] Patron Records and Fines

James Nagy nagyja at massillonlibrary.org
Wed May 22 14:19:01 EDT 2013

A couple of quick questions:

How long does your library keep a patron's record if they have fines attached to it?  For those who keep the records "forever", what's the reasoning (other than the obvious, 'We want our stuff back' or 'Because they owe it')?

Within our consortium, I'm finding many records who haven't used their cards in 15+ years, but have 20 cents in fines from a book checked out in 1986.  I'm just wondering why keep this record for so long when the patron may be deceased/moved/still upset about their 20 cent fine from 1986/etc.


James Nagy

Circulation Services Manager

Massillon Public Library

208 Lincoln Way E

Massillon, OH  44646

330-832-9831 x332

330-830-2182 (Fax)

nagyja at massillonlibrary.org<mailto:nagyja at massillonlibrary.org><mailto:nagyja at massillonlibrary.org>

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