[OPLINLIST] REMINDER: Virginia Hamilton Conference CFP Deadline - Oct. 28

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Thu Oct 24 13:06:00 EDT 2013

Please excuse multiple postings.

The 2014 Virginia Hamilton Conference on Multicultural Literature for Youth has announced a call for proposals that address the theme "Pearls of Wisdom: Celebrating 30 Years of the Virginia Hamilton Conference." The conference is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, and Friday, April 4, 2014.

Presentation proposals should be submitted on the official Workshop Proposal form <http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/upload/VHam-Workshop-Proposal-form-2.pdf> via email to Meghan Harper, Ph.D., conference co-director, at sharper1 at kent.edu<mailto:sharper1 at kent.edu>. The deadline for proposals is Oct. 28, 2013.

Featured speakers for 2014 will be the remarkable Christopher Paul Curtis, the talented Andrea Davis Pinkney and the amazing illustrator David Diaz.

The Virginia Hamilton Conference is the longest-running event in the United States to focus exclusively on multicultural literature for children and young adults. Honoring author Virginia Hamilton, the conference reflects a commitment to promoting cultural awareness and affirming cultural pride while addressing the array of issues that surround the concept of culture, such as:

  *   Exploring various cultures in books and media;
  *   Using new media/digital literacies to extend and enhance appreciation of children's multicultural literature;
  *   Programming and storytelling with multicultural children's literature;
  *   Integrating children's multicultural literature across the curriculum;
  *   Raising awareness and addressing issues surrounding cultural representation;
  *   Connecting multicultural literature and the Common Core.

The Virginia Hamilton Conference is sponsored by the School of Library and Information Science<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/index.cfm> and the College of Education, Health and Human Services<http://www.kent.edu/ehhs/index.cfm> and through the Office of Continuing and Distance Education.<http://www.kent.edu/cde/index.cfm>

More information about the conference will be posted when available at the conference website<http://virginia-hamilton.slis.kent.edu/>.<http://virginia-hamilton.slis.kent.edu/index.html>


All the best,


Flo Cunningham
Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University
fcunning at kent.edu<mailto:fcunning at kent.edu>

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ksuslis
Twitter: @KentStateSLIS<https://twitter.com/#%21/KentStateSLIS>

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. -- Jorge Luis Borges

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