[OPLINLIST] OELMA Midwinter Conference - School & Public Libraries

Ingraham Dwyer, Janet jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Fri Feb 21 09:43:32 EST 2014

Cross-posted from Library Youth Services.  Please excuse duplication.

Just two weeks until the OELMA Midwinter Conference: School and Public Libraries: Partners on the Road to Reading Success.  The Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), Kent State University, and State Library of Ohio welcome you to participate in this one-day meeting that focuses on the collaboration between school and public libraries to build reading success.

Cherie Pandora and Stacey Hayman, co-authors of Better Serving Teens through School Library-Public Library Collaboration (Libraries Unlimited, 2013) are the keynote speakers.  Break-out sessions will focus on aspects of reading and literacy relevant to both public and school libraries, to give attendees the background knowledge and tools to support student reading and build collaborations between school and public librarians.  Sessions include a round-up of new and noteworthy books for children and young adults; hands-on text complexity; the forthcoming PARCC student assessments; collaborating to build successful teen services and much more.  Meet and network with collaboration-minded peers in public and school libraries, and view displays showing successful collaborative projects and inspirational ideas.

The event will take place on Saturday, March 8.

This event will be held simultaneously at two locations - Kent State University and the State Library of Ohio, Columbus - with some videoconferencing.  Cost is only $75 and includes lunch.

For a complete list of sessions and speakers, and to register:

Deadline to register is March 1, 2014.


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Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
Fax: 614-466-3584
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Share Your Story<http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story> by telling us how a State Library service or resource helped you or your library.

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