[OPLINLIST] Call for Battledecks "Combatants"

donald.boozer donald.boozer at cpl.org
Wed Sep 10 09:59:42 EDT 2014

It's that time of year again to volunteer to vie with your colleagues on the field of Battle(decks) at the OLC Convention and Expo in October!

There are still a few openings for those who would like to test their skills and try to become Grand Champion of the 2014 Buckeye Battledecks competition to be held Wed., Oct. 8, 8-11pm, at the OLC Convention and Expo:


Battledecks is a test of nerves and the ultimate challenge for a public speaker (or someone who just likes to talk). Contestants attempt to deliver a presentation on the fly using a set of random, never-before-seen (and often hilarious) slides. Judging is based on the ability to create a "coherent" presentation that incorporates slide content smoothly, gets laughs, generates audience participation, and successfully covers all of the slides on time.

So, if you would like the chance to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of your fellow librarians...

Email your name and your preferred email address to donald.boozer at cpl.org.

(Okay, maybe not quite that dramatic, but you *will* receive the accolades of the crowd and have fun! Further details and logistics will be emailed to all contestants later in September.)

Don Boozer
KnowItNow24x7 Coordinator
Cleveland Public Library
325 Superior Avenue NE
Cleveland, OH 44114
donald.boozer at cpl.org
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