[OPLINLIST] The Teen Reading Challenge is back for 2015!

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Fri Jan 9 12:01:41 EST 2015

On New Year’s Eve Day, we baked sweet rolls with friends. I was lead 
baker <http://www.pbs.org/food/shows/great-british-baking-show/> because 
I’d made them several times before. It quickly became obvious that, 
although I had more experience with this recipe, I did not have more 
skill. My dough kept sticking, and my rolls all turned out different 
sizes. We laughed over spilled flour, and the rolls were delicious.

When the 3D printer arrived at SWON, it came with the wrong instruction 
booklet. You know things have gone south when the printer starts 
spooling strands of melted plastic in mid-air. We laughed, found correct 
instructions online, and started again. Now you could play chess with 
pieces we printed.

That’s how learning goes. It’s messy, and it helps if you can laugh. It 
doesn’t always look productive or efficient, and sometimes a start leads 
to a dead end. But learning is also a place we can meet–our patrons, and 
each other–on common ground.

When we learn alongside other people, we give them a gift. We show that 
we don’t expect them to know all this already or to learn it perfectly 
after being shown once. At school, on the job, learning doesn’t always 
look like that. When we set ground rules that support this kind of 
learning, it gives us the chance to learn, too. That’s a resolution 
worth making for 2015.

  * Nathan Swartzendruber, SWON Technology Educator


    Summer Reading Program Workshops

Look past the current arctic conditions and you’ll see another SRP on 
its way. For those of you looking to bulk up your programming, we have a 
series of webinars in February 
Speakers haven’t been formally announced yet, but most are from 
out-of-state, so look forward to some new perspectives.

SWON is also hosting an in-person workshop on March 18 at the 
Washington-Centerville Public Library 
It’s an entirely new set of presentations from our fall workshop. Add 
your voice at the Idea Share and register now to join us 

Connect to SWON online: Website <http://www.swonlibraries.org/> : 
Calendar <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_list.asp> : Facebook 
<https://www.facebook.com/SWONLibraries?sk=wall> : Twitter 

Calendar excerpts from the next two weeks. (Please register for online 
classes at least two days before they take place.)

  * *ROYAL Literature Review (SIG) Afternoon Meeting
    <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=510077&group=>* -
    (1/13/2015) - SWON Meeting Room
  * *Martin Luther King Jr. Day* - SWON Libraries Office Closed
  * *Tech for the Non-Techie: Helping Your Patrons Troubleshoot Tablets
    and More
    <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=505975&group=>* -
    (1/20/2015) - Online
  * *Technical Services (SIG) Meeting
    <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=575098&group=>* -
    (1/20/2015) - Location TBD
  * *STEM and STEAM Programming for Teens
    <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=581480&group=>* -
    (1/21/2015) - Online

SWON Libraries - http://www.swonlibraries.org<http://www.swonlibraries.org>
10250 Alliance Road, Suite 225
Blue Ash, OH 45242
phone (513) 751-4422 - fax (513) 751-0463
To subscribe or be removed from SWON's Events list, click 
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