[OPLINLIST] Winter Weather Closings
Michael Penrod
michaelpenrod at wcdpl.org
Mon Oct 19 12:54:16 EDT 2015
1. If a weather emergency is declared by the Director of the Library,
employees will be compensated for the time they were scheduled to work
during the emergency period.
2. When the Library is closed, employees will be notified according to the
inclement weather phone list, or there will be a general announcement on
local radio stations and/or television.
3. An employee not scheduled to work because of scheduled vacation or
continuing sick leave will be charged for the leave regardless of the
declared emergency.
4. On certain days it may be difficult for a scheduled employee to come in
to work due to excessive snow, ice, or other inclement weather. In such
case, all employees are encouraged to make every reasonable effort to
report to work.
An employee who is absent, tardy, or leaves work early on a day when
weather conditions interfere with travel is absent without leave and,
therefore, in non-pay status.
The employee may, with approval of the Director or department head, account
for time during which he/she was absent due to inclement weather by
charging it to vacation, personal time, or to leave without pay. Inclement
weather is not a valid reason for the use of sick leave.
5. An employee may be required to work even though the Library is closed
due to an emergency. The employee is entitled to straight pay for the hours
worked unless he/she is on overtime status. There will be no additional
compensation as a result of an emergency.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Sheila Baldwin <
sheila.baldwin at norwalk.lib.oh.us> wrote:
> What are your library's policies regarding winter weather closings. We are
> updating our policy and would appreciate your input.
> Thank you,
> Sheila Baldwin
> Administrative Assistant
> Norwalk Public Library
> 419-668-6063
> http://www.norwalk.lib.oh.us
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Michael Penrod, Director
Wood County District Public Library
251 North Main Street, Bowling Green, OH 43402
Voice:419-352-5104 Fax:419-353-8013
michaelpenrod at wcdpl.org
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