[OPLINLIST] Staff cell phone use policy

Mary Kruse maryekruse at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 16:59:29 EDT 2016

Thank you all for your responses.

Here are the responses from OPLIN, as well as a few I found from other
libraries online.

1. Staff must turn off their cell phones or place them on vibrate while at
the library. Library staff should limit personal calls to breaks. Personal
cell phones are not to be used while on duty. Personal calls should be
conducted during breaks off the public floor and out of visual sight of

2. The use of cell phones and similar wireless communication devices is not
permitted within the Tigard Public Library by public or staff, except in
designated areas: · Main Lobby of the building where the coffee bar is
located · Staff Room · Meeting Rooms/Study Rooms (groups using these rooms
may set their own guidelines), and · Any area outside of the building
Inappropriate use of such devices is considered disruptive behavior. This
policy will be enforced under the Library’s Patron Guidelines. The Library
reserves the right to ask patrons to leave the building if they are using
cell phones in restricted areas or disturbing others in any area of the

3. Personal use of Library telephones is discouraged. Personal toll calls
are prohibited. Staff members who bring personal cell phones to the Library
should keep the ringer mechanism set to silence or vibrate. Personal phone
calls should be taken on phones which are away from the public view.

4.  Library telephones are for work-related purposes. Cell phone calls
during work hours should be limited to urgent issues or work-related
communications only. Cell phone use should not interfere with your duties
or approachability at the desk.

5. Staff may use Library phones for brief personal calls which can only be
made during regular business hours.  All such calls must be made in
non-public areas.  Personal long distance calls must be billed to the
person’s home telephone. Excessive personal calls during the day,
regardless of the phone used, can interfere with productivity and can be
distracting to others, both public and staff. Personal cell phones and
pagers must be turned to “vibrate” while at work.  Staff may use their cell
phones/pagers during break periods, including meal breaks, in designated
areas.  A camera cell phone may be used on library premises only with prior
administrative permission no matter who, where or what the subject. Safe
use of the cell phone is of the utmost importance.  Staff members who are
using library vehicles and/or library issued cell phones are prohibited
from using the phone at any time while driving.  Staff using their own
vehicles and/or cell phones are not to use the cell phone for library
business while driving.

6. Employees are expected to exercise discretion in using personal cell
phones and other mobile devices. Personal calls during work hours,
regardless of the phone used can interfere with productivity, and may be
distracting to others. Employees should turn off ringers or change ringers
to “mute” or “vibrate” during training, conferences and the like; when
serving patrons, and if an employee shares a workspace with others. When
driving for library business, employees are required to stop their vehicle
in a safe location so that you can safely use your cell phone or similar

7.  The use of personal cellular telephones by library staff is not allowed
in public service areas. If a staff member wants to make a call on his or
her cellular phone, they may do so during their break. Cellular telephones
should be turned to silent while employees are at work. Personal phone
calls may be received on library business phones in emergency situations.

8.  For safety reasons staff may have their cell phones available nearby
during their work shift. They have been proven to be a valuable
communication tool during emergency or dangerous situations, especially if
people are fleeing a dangerous situation. Therefore, if you want to keep
your cell phone easily available or on your person during work hours,
that's fine. However, make sure it is set on the vibration or ‘buzz’ tone,
be discreet about checking it, and if it is necessary to respond to a
non-emergency incoming call please do so off the floor or on breaks. Cell
phones may be brought to meetings and training classes. Again, put the call
on the vibration or buzz tone and if you are expecting an important
business or family emergency call, let the meeting leader or trainer know
that you may need to step out to take a call. Assorted apps available on
smart phones such as calendars, calculators, etc. are often used in
conducting business during meetings. Maintain a low voice during cell phone
conversations. A loud voice can be extremely annoying to anyone within
earshot. Cell phone microphones are very sensitive and only inches away
from your mouth. Use the ‘ten-foot’ rule by moving your phone call to a
private place at least ten feet away from others. Text messages minimize
disruptions. That said texting should only be done while on break and in
staff areas of the library. In case of emergency or dangerous situations,
texting may be a valuable communication tool. It's quiet, fast, and to the
point. Keep in mind that texting while in the middle of talking in person
with a patron or co-worker is rude so don’t do it.

Mary Kruse, MLIS
Assistant Director
Pataskala Library
101 S. Vine St.
Pataskala, OH 43062
FAX: 740-964-6204

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Mary Kruse <maryekruse at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all -
> Do any of your libraries have policies regarding staff cell phone use? If
> so, would you be willing to share them? Do you require all phones to be on
> silent or vibrate?
> Thanks!
> Mary Kruse, MLIS
> Assistant Director
> Pataskala Library
> 101 S. Vine St.
> Pataskala, OH 43062
> 740-927-9986
> FAX: 740-964-6204
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