[OPLINLIST] New book and free webinar

Ed Rossman erossman74 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 18 09:44:38 EDT 2016

 My new book is finally out! Entitled 40+ New revenue Sources forLibraries and Nonprofits, and published through ALA Editions, it'swritten to help people in those institutions without much experience inbusiness how to plan and execute revenue generating techniques in an efficientand professional manner. To help make money, not excuses when unforeseenrevenue shortfalls occur. 

 I'llbe giving a free webinar on it on Monday, September 12 at 3:30pmEST. I asked for a late time so libraries in Alaska can participate. Alaska hassuffered an  incredible loss of revenue for libraries and all theirgovernment assisted programs, thanks to the oil price decline. I'll focuson 5 fast-track methods that can be used to start generating new income by yearsend.

 Thelink below has webinar details and other links on the book itself (includinga full TOC) and an E-Course through ALA coming up in October.  


Feel free to share with your local nonprofit communities. You don’t have to bea librarian to attend!!!
Best,Ed R.
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