[OPLINLIST] Die Cut Highlights: February
jcassidy at library.ohio.gov
jcassidy at library.ohio.gov
Tue Jan 12 14:04:22 EST 2016
Good afternoon,
I hope you are staying warm on this beautiful snowy day. Remember SEO Library Die Cut collection as you plan your programs and bulletin boards for February. Take a look at our die cuts and request away! :)
Die Cut Highlights: February
Book, heart XL
Border coins, nickel and quarter
Coins, dime and dollar
Coins, penny and half dollar
Football helmet
Football player
Hanging heart 3-D XL
Happy faces, tiny
Lacing heart XL
Lincoln, profile
Picture frame, heart
Sports and heroes, football
Toothbrush, tooth
Word, love #2 XL
The SEO Library Die Cut collection is available to any library using Priority Dispatch. Any person or library department with a patron card can place holds for die cut patterns and die cut machines in the SEO consortium catalog. Searching tips and a title list of the Die Cut collection<http://support.servingeveryohioan.org/index.php?pid=filelibrary&cmd=viewcatclient&id=86> are available in the File Library<http://support.servingeveryohioan.org/index.php?pid=filelibrary&cmd=viewcatclient&id=86> of the SEO Library Support<http://support.servingeveryohioan.org/> page.
Please contact SEO library at 740-783-5705; 1-877-552-4262 or support at servingeveryohioan.org<mailto:support at servingeveryohioan.org>, if you have any questions or need a SEO library card.
Best regards,
[cid:image013.jpg at 01CEEF4F.F45BE100]
Jennifer Cassidy
Manager, Library Information Services
State Library of Ohio
SEO Library Center
40780 Marietta Road, Caldwell, Ohio 43724
Tel: 740-783-5705; 1-877-552-4262
Fax: 740-783-3203; 800-446-4804
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