[OPLINLIST] REGISTER NOW: Strategic Assessment and Communication: What success looks like for our libraries
Cunningham, Flo
fcunning at kent.edu
Thu Jul 28 08:30:06 EDT 2016
Please excuse duplicate posts.
Strategic Assessment and Communication:
What success looks like for our libraries
Friday August 12, 2016
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
State Library of Ohio
274 E. First Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Kent State University School of Library and Information Science is pleased to co-host "Strategic Assessment and Communication: What success looks like for our libraries" on Friday, Aug. 12, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the State Library of Ohio (274 E. First Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201)
The program is free, but onsite registration is limited to 40 people. Live streaming will be available for those unable to attend on site. Videos will be available on YouTube after the event.
* REGISTER NOW.<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DiN_MwbVMbboHogVAqUTl7zmwW8UhO2qnDGBpUpLE-0/viewform>
“Every new idea is an impossibility until it is born.” — Ronald H. Brown, American statesman
A one of a kind ‘new’ event that brings together different library contexts, developmental and methodological perspectives for there is much to learn from each other.
Assessment has become the way we grow our communities and our programs these days. From a traditional viewpoint, libraries began by measuring the numbers of volumes in their collections. Now we have moved to an environment of always proving our value to stakeholders in the community. Based on sound evidence, we want to make the best possible decisions that will result in maximum impact and value. Building on the tradition of excellence in the services provided by the Ohio libraries, presenters in this program will share perspectives that inform library practice across the globe.
All are welcome. Come and join the storytelling of library collaboration and success at the state of Ohio where library collaboration at scale was born.
Join us for a get-together and for telling success stories of strategic outcomes assessment and communication. Share your insights on how libraries make success happen and deliver positive outcomes from a cross-sector perspective, including academic institutions and libraries, school libraries, public libraries and state-funded agencies and collaboratives.
Strategic Assessment and Communication: What success looks like for our libraries
Friday, Aug. 12
1 - 4 p.m.
Location: State Library of Ohio, 274 E. First Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201
1 p.m. Welcome
* Martha Kyrillidou, Principal at QualityMetrics LLC, Research Associate at the iSchool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Part-time Instructor at SLIS, Kent State University
1:15 p.m.
Collaboration at Its Best: Ohio Approaches to Demonstrating Collective Impact
* Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC Research: "OCLC and Libraries: Sharing research, services, and resources"
* Meghan Frazer, Manager, Member and User Services, OhioLINK: "Better together: assessing and communicating the value of consortial services
1:45 p.m. Public Libraries: It’s All About Service
* Alison Circle, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Columbus Metropolitan Library: "Building a Customer-First Philosophy"
* Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz, Director of Strategy and Innovation at Cleveland Public LIbrary: "The Numbers vs the Numbers that Matter"
* Ray Lyons, Independent Consultant, Co-creator of the Library Journal’s Index of Public Library Services<http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2015/11/managing-libraries/lj-index/class-of-2015/americas-star-libraries-2015-top-rated-libraries/>
3 p.m. Academic Libraries Panel: From Student Success to Academic Library Outcomes Success
* Sarah Murphy, Professor & Coordinator of Assessment, The Ohio State University Libraries
* Shanna E. Smith Jaggars, Director of Student Success Research, ODEE, The Ohio State University
3:30 p.m. Discussion and Closing
* Martha Kyrillidou
Speaker Bios & Abstracts
* Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, OCLC Research
* "OCLC and Libraries: Sharing research, services and resources"
Abstract: OCLC, a global library cooperative,<http://www.oclc.org/en-US/home.html> began in 1967 as the Ohio College Library Center to create a cooperative computerized catalog system for Ohio libraries. OCLC began automated card production in 1971 at the time the shared cataloging system became available online. There currently are thousands of OCLC library members in more than 100 countries. In addition to cataloging and metadata services, OCLC offers services for library management, resource sharing, discovery and syndication, digital collection management, and virtual reference. OCLC also supports a research division<http://www.oclc.org/research.html> that is devoted to the investigation of new technologies and opportunities that offer innovative approaches to the design of library services and contribute to a better understanding of the information environment and user expectations and behaviors.
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D.,<http://www.oclc.org/research/people/connaway.html> is a Senior Research Scientist<http://www.oclc.org/research/people/connaway.html> at OCLC Research<http://www.oclc.org/research.html>. She leads the User Studies Activities<http://www.oclc.org/research.html> at OCLC Research and was the Chair of the ALA ACRL Value of Academic Libraries Committee and is the President-Elect 2016 for the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). She held the Chair of Excellence position at the Departmento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and collaborated with the faculty on user-centered research. Dr. Connaway was a Visiting Researcher in the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield scholar and a Visiting Scholar at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. She has received research funding from the IMLS <http://www.imls.gov/> in the U.S. and Jisc<http://www.jisc.ac.uk/> and the Arts and Humanities Research Council<http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/recommender.html> in the UK. She leads OCLC Research in the digital visitors and residents project<http://www.oclc.org/research/themes/user-studies/vandr.html> and currently is the co-principal investigator of an IMLS-funded project with the University of Florida and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, <https://www.imls.gov/sites/default/files/lg-81-15-0155_university_of_florida_board_of_trustees.pdf> to investigate how late primary, secondary, and community college STEM students judge credibility of digital resources in absence of human sources. Dr. Connaway is the co-author of the 4th<http://www.worldcat.org/title/basic-research-methods-for-librarians/oclc/55846881&referer=brief_results> and 5th<http://www.worldcat.org/title/basic-research-methods-for-librarians/oclc/804847313&referer=brief_results> editions of Basic Research Methods for Librarians and of the 6th edition, titled Research Methods in Library and Information Science, which will be available July 2016. She has authored numerous other publications and frequently is an international and national speaker on how individuals get their information and engage with technology and the assessment and development of user-centered library services. Prior to joining OCLC Research, she was the Vice-President of Research and Library Systems at NetLibrary, the director of the Library and Information Services Department at the University of Denver, and on the faculty of the Library and Informational Science program at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
* Meghan Frazer, Manager, Member and User Services, OhioLINK
* “Better together: assessing and communicating the value of consortial services”
Abstract: OhioLINK<https://www.ohiolink.edu/> is an academic library consortium with 121 member libraries from a wide variety of institutions, including large public universities, small liberal arts colleges, community colleges, seminaries, medical schools and law schools. OhioLINK participation has saved millions of dollars across members and allowed institutions to provide more of the best academic library resources to their students, faculty and staff. In order to ensure continued support for this collaboration, OhioLINK and its member libraries must continually assess consortial services and communicate the value of participation to non-library stakeholders. In this talk, Meghan Frazer of OhioLINK will share successful strategies from around the consortium.
Meghan Frazer <https://www.ohiolink.edu/profiles/meghan_frazer> is the Manager of Member and User Services at OhioLINK and is responsible for developing, maintaining, and assessing member and user services for OhioLINK. Frazer came to OhioLINK from the Knowlton School of Architecture at The Ohio State University, where she managed the digital library and archives. Before attending library school, she studied computer science and worked in software development. In 2011 Frazer was named as the first Rick Peterson Fellow, co-sponsored by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) / National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NTILE).<http://www.nitle.org/news/story.php?id=173>
* Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz, Director of Strategy and Innovation, Cleveland Public Library, Knowledge Office
* “The Numbers vs the Numbers that Matter”
Abstract: Public libraries across the country have always kept track of usage numbers, but as the nature of library service changes, it seems that the standard measurements don’t fit anymore. Libraries are looking for more significant numbers that not only can demonstrate the impact of today’s public library, but also will inform decision-making about their future state. While the journey will be different for each library might there be ways to learn from other disciplines as we define what it means to be a responsive public library.
* Alison Circle, Chief Experience Officer, Columbus Metropolitan Library
* “Building a Customer First Philosophy”
Columbus Metropolitan Library has just rolled out a new Customer First Philosophy. Learn how it came to be and how it is taking CML to new levels of customer service. The CML strategic plan is available online.<https://www.columbuslibrary.org/sites/default/files/uploads/docs/CML_Strategic_Plan_2016%20%282%29.pdf>
Alison Circle has more than 25 years of marketing experience. For 13 years she was National Marketing Director for Garrison Keillor and "A Prairie Home Companion.” Following that she was Creative Director and Account Director at Jack Morton Worldwide, a global branding agency. In 2004 she joined CML as Director of Marketing and Strategic Planning. In that capacity she rebranded the organization and won over 20 national and international awards for her work. In 2010 that work was recognized with the Library Journal’s Library of the Year award, and in 2011 she was named a Library Journal “Mover & Shaker.” She is an in-demand speaker on issues of libraries, customer experience and design. In 2012 she was promoted to Chief Customer Experience Officer where she serves on the Executive Leadership Team and oversees 23 library locations, marketing and all programs and products. She leads programming, experience and design for the library’s building program for 10 buildings, including the Main Library. Most recently she has launched aCustomer First philosophy to lead CML to a new level of customer experience.
* Ray Lyons, Independent Consultant, Co-author of the annual LJ article on “Library Journal Index of Public Library Services<http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2015/11/managing-libraries/lj-index/class-of-2015/americas-star-libraries-2015-top-rated-libraries/>” and author of the LIB(RARY) PERFORMANCE blog<https://libperformance.com/>
Abstract: The Library Journal Index of Public Library Services is an annual report-card rating system instituted in 2008 that ranks U.S. public libraries based on the services they deliver to their communities. The highest-ranked libraries are awarded 5-Star, 4-Star, and 3-Star designations. Goals for the design of the index were fairness, simplicity, ease of understanding, acknowledging strengths and weaknesses in any measurement endeavor, and encouragement of local use of library performance data. The presentation will provide an overview of index calculations, assumptions involved in its design, trends in the annual ratings, and responsible interpretation of ratings results.
Ray Lyons worked for 25 years in IT systems analysis and project management in library automation (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.), health care, and the newspaper industry. He earned an M.P.A. from the John Glenn College of Public Policy at The Ohio State University, with a specialty in quantitative methods, and M.L.S. from Kent State University School of Library and Information Science, where he received the Jesse H. Shera Award for scholarly writing. Ray has presented workshops on survey research, program evaluation, and data visualization at conferences convened by the Association of Research Libraries and the American Library Association Committee on Research and Statistics. His articles on library statistics have appeared in Public Library Quarterly, Library & Information Science Research, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, Public Libraries, and Library Statistics for the 21st Century World (IFLA Pub 138). Since 2008 he has written a slew of essays on library statistics, measurement, survey research methods, quantitative analysis, and data visualization in his blog (link above). He is a founding member of the Ohio Program Evaluators’ Group<https://www.kent.edu/slis/news/www.opeg.org>, the oldest state-level professional association of program evaluators in the U.S. He works in statistical programming and health care records automation in Cleveland, Ohio.
* Sarah Anne Murphy, Professor & Coordinator of Assessment, The Ohio State University Libraries
Sarah is Professor and Coordinator of Assessment at The Ohio State University Libraries. She is responsible for developing assessment frameworks for her organization, enabling her colleagues to tell their stories, and currently researches creating data visualizations to craft library impact narratives using Tableau. She is one of the most talented Tableau users and has written<http://publications.arl.org/rli288/21> and done workshops, including one through ARL<http://www.arl.org/news/arl-news/3587#.V4Fzz6K1RDs>.
* Shanna E. Smith Jaggars, Director of Student Success Research, ODEE, The Ohio State University
Shanna has been the co-author of the national best seller on Redesigning America’s Community Colleges: A clearer path to student success<https://www.amazon.com/Redesigning-Americas-Community-Colleges-Clearer/dp/0674368282>. She has recently assumed a new position at Ohio State and will share with us her wisdom regarding what we can do to ensure our students succeed. Book description from Amazon: “In the United States, 1,200 community colleges enroll over ten million students each year ― nearly half of the nation’s undergraduates. Yet fewer than 40 percent of entrants complete an undergraduate degree within six years. This fact has put pressure on community colleges to improve academic outcomes for their students. Redesigning America’s Community Colleges is a concise, evidence-based guide for educational leaders whose institutions typically receive short shrift in academic and policy discussions.”
* Martha Kyrillidou, QualityMetrics LLC<http://marthakyrillidou.com/>
* School of Library and Information Science (SLIS), Kent State University<https://www.kent.edu/node/82061>
* State Library of Ohio<https://library.ohio.gov/>
* IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Committee<http://www.ifla.org/statistics-and-evaluation>
* Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Libraries (QQML)<http://www.isast.org/>
Planning Committee
* Martha Kyrillidou, Chair
* Principal, QualityMetrics LLC
* martha at qualitymetricsllc.com<mailto:martha at qualitymetricsllc.com>
* 202-251-9829
* Nancy Lensenmayer
* Lecturer, SLIS, Kent State University
* nlensenm at kent.edu<mailto:nlensenm at kent.edu>
* 614-291-1012
* Miriam Matteson
* Associate Professor, SLIS, Kent State University
* mmattes1 at kent.edu<mailto:mmattes1 at kent.edu>
* 614-291-1006
* Rebecca B. Vargha
* Head, Information and Library Science Library, SILS, University of North Carolina
* vargha at email.unc.edu<mailto:vargha at email.unc.edu>
* 919-962-8361
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