[OPLINLIST] Book Release and Annual

Ed Rossman erossman74 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 14:27:12 EDT 2016

My second book,  40+ New Revenue Sources for Libraries andNonprofits, is now available! Unfortunately, the book will not be out intime for Annual, but soon, July 15. Here’s the link for it in ALA’s Bookstore,and you can use this discount code, NRSL16 for $5.00 off. 
I’d be glad to comp you a “virtual authors talk” via Skypeor a method of your choice if you’d like to review the book’s concepts andmethods in a group setting. Buy a few, and invite Board, Friends leaders, orother local Nonprofits you may partner with. Please let me know! 
In July I'll be conducting a class on thebook's topics at the Ohio Library Support Staff Institute. I’ll also begiving a free webinar on the topic this September through ALA Editions andconducting a 4 week virtual workshop through them as well, beginning inOctober. 
Also, if you use Facebook, please visit (and like) my pageon this topic. I update it a few times a week with current examples of theissues and methods I discuss in the book.
Is anyone presenting or attending any marketing orfund-raising sessions at Annual? If so, contact me off-list. Besides my RUSA/BRASS sessions and committeemeetings, I’m planning on attending the following:
Friday, June 24, 20161:45 PM - 2:15 PMUnited for Libraries - Re-envisioning public libraries / AspenInstitute Report (Mentioned in Chapter 9 in my book about issues-basedmarketing and partnerships) 
Monday, June 27 
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Dreams, Dollars & Donations: Preparing for Philanthropy
11:35 AM - 11:40 AM Marketing 101: Tips and trends for effectively promoting your library
As some of you may recall, my backgroundis in broadcasting as well as in libraries, and in the book I give a lot oftricks I learned in that industry as well as use the model of PublicBroadcasting to encourage readers to go beyond their walls, and think ofthemselves as telecommunication centers using a variety of mediums to deliverservices and programming. And, of course, point out how they can fund theseefforts. 

Hope to catch up with you soon,

Ed Rossman
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