[OPLINLIST] Libraries as Continuous Learning Center

Anne Lowery alowery at seolibraries.org
Wed Feb 8 10:37:26 EST 2017

Thanks for sharing, Susan. While I agree and would love to be all things 
to all people, the continuing guessing game with our funding levels and
cuts leave me more concerned with paying the utility bills and not 
cutting hours or laying off staff. The Governor and Mr. Burgess talk the 
about all these big ideas for libraries, but fail to make the connection 
to the funding issue. I, and I think I speak for many small rural 
libraries in our state,
don't have funding enough to have extra staff people who can spend time 
with individual patrons to teach them how to use a computer, how to
file for government assistance, file taxes, or create a small business. 
Too many other government entities in Ohio are used to telling people, 
"Go to the Library - they'll help
you."  We are very limited in what we can do. Failing to follow the 
statute that sets aside 2.2% of the general revenue fund for the PLF 
only makes it more absurd
for the Governor and legislature to continue to talk the talk.

I don't really care about makerspaces, or social welfare assistance. The 
only workforce I am currently worried about is my own staff with another 
reduction in funding  in the

Let the hate emails begin........


Anne Lowery, MLIS
New London Public Library
67 South Main St.
New London, OH  44951
419-929-3981 - phone
419-929-0007 - fax

On 2/8/2017 9:47 AM, Susan Pieper wrote:
> Hello all:
> The Governor wants to re-brand libraries as "Continuous Learning 
> Centers" and acknowledges the importance of Ohio's public libraries in 
> the role of workforce development. I attended a "Workforce Summit" at 
> Northwest State Community College yesterday where it was said by Ryan 
> Burgess, Director of the Governor's Office of Workforce 
>  Transformation, "libraries are positioning to be continuous learning 
> centers." Creating a continuous learning environment for Ohio's 
> workforce is a key component in the Governor's plan. Burgess shared 
> the statistics of number of library card holders and the high usage by 
> the public of Ohio's libraries and spoke of the libraries being an 
> under-recognized asset.
> As we work towards our PLF goals, I believe we should use the 
> Governor's own plan to emphasize the point of Ohio's public libraries 
> having a seat at the table of workforce development. Please read the 
> *Governor's Executive Workforce Board, Building Ohio's Future 
> Workforce Report* at the following link. Libraries are specifically 
> mentioned on page 18. If anyone is interested in learning more about 
> the messages of collaboration at this summit, please contact me.
> http://workforce.ohio.gov/Portals/0/Future%20of%20Workforce%20Report.pdf
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> Listening to:/*Close Your Eyes. Hold Hands* /by Chris Bohjalian
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> *Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.***
> **
> *Director/Librarian*
> *Paulding County Carnegie Library*
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